Guelph THursday (dEVIL's night!)

We're running again.....

uhh...regular schedule......

1. Mark
2. Adam
3. Timmeh
4. Keith
5. Jen
6. Aj


  • I should be there.

  • i thought i wouldn't be able to make it.. but.. it looks like it's next week i won't be there so..

    i'll see you on thursday.
  • 1. Count me in.
    2. I expect that The Great Horned Master will see to it that the deck hits me in the face on Devils' Night. Victory shall be mine, moo-ha-ha! And hopefully at least 2 bounties.
    3. Adam, be at my place at 7:15 if you need a lift.
    Evil Timmehhh
  • with 6 players confirmed i'll run this game....any other players are welcome, but we are not having adam/devin/jen or jim tonight....they all have "halloween" shopping or some shit to do. pphft.
    anyways! :)
    hope to see everyone soon!
  • sounds good.

    i'll be at your place at 7:15 Tim.
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