Game 6; Halfway Point

Hard to believe the season is almost half finished already. The way I've been playing lately, though, it can't end soon enough. I don't think I played more than six hands since the first game...very frustrating season...time to turn it around now...

Who's In??

1 - AJ
2 - Darryl
3 - Garry
4 - Don
5 - Joe
6 - Allen
7 - Eleanor
8 - Chris
9 - Kris
10 - Steve
11 - Justin
12 -


  • Chris and I are in.
  • I'll be there...
  • This week only!!!

    No, I'm telling you what colour.

    Plenty of seating available...haven't set up a second table in awhile, would be good to set up a second one.
  • I should be there

    AJ don't forget to grab snacks as I gave you $20 last week, Thanks
  • Aj, you may have to show me your tricks of the trades in Omaha the day of the event...., perhaps during the drive or something. I have done some reading (ie Omaha for dummies...aka Wikipedia on the net) but that's as far as it went.

    See you at your place Sat morning around 9ish-9:30ish. I'll be bringing the "Havanna Club" as well but you may have to leave it behind for the time being.


  • Didnt even realize it was Thursday, sorry for the late notice I am in.
  • You're In Justin

    In a bit of a rush tonight, so if I'm not home when you get here, everything is set up, I WILL be back by 8pm though, no doubt.
  • Don't break out the 2nd table. I most likely won't be making it as I'm still at work. I have scheduled this weekend's work around the royal and will be there but may be gone ASAP after I finish as I need to be at work for 6:30 am sunday. I'll phone if anything changes.
  • let me know ASAP Joe. As of right now, only 1 table of 11 players.
  • Justin's odd feeling proved to be a good one for the last hand of the night when he called Eleanor's all in with A3s. He had a monster stack, but still must have been a bit worried when Eleanor showed 22. Flop comes down A3x, and other 3 on the river...and rumor is Justin is now psychic!!! Takes down first place while Eleanor had to settle for second.

    Third place went to Garry, his first money of the season. His ooooooooo's and ahhhhhhhhh's were VERY entertaining. Bubble tonight was Allen, and I have the honour of being back to back Chump...sigh...when cards slap you that hard, all you can do is sigh about it.

    Good game tonight everyone. See you next week.
  • Congrats Justin. You sneakily went from short-stack to monster without anyone noticing!

    I honestly thought Steve was going to take it down....he built 75 chips up to over 1000 (I think). It would have been an impressive victory.

    And kudos for Garry for dressing up as a poker player. Very nice costume. But how come Chris didn't get an extra chip? He was dressed up as Garry.
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    But how come Chris didn't get an extra chip? He was dressed up as Garry.

    Chris was there?? I thought that was Garry's twin brother?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Chris was there?? I thought that was Garry's twin brother?

    Come on....I was totally Garry...I even busted 5th.

    Good game every one.
  • Yes after Garry pushed all in with pockey 9's and I called with Ah Qh I was left with 75 in chips. I built that up almost 1400 in chips. I was a bit surprised myself but it was not meant to be as I flopped top pair from the big blind and pushed my stack in and Garry insta called with a set a of 9's

    Thanks for the vote of confidence El.

    Good game all and Good Luck at the Royal today Ching Hill

    ElElliott wrote: »
    Congrats Justin. You sneakily went from short-stack to monster without anyone noticing!

    I honestly thought Steve was going to take it down....he built 75 chips up to over 1000 (I think). It would have been an impressive victory.

    And kudos for Garry for dressing up as a poker player. Very nice costume. But how come Chris didn't get an extra chip? He was dressed up as Garry.
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