Asking for Donations

What is your opion of asking for voluntary donations at home games and private tourneys?


  • I think the host has every right to ask.

    Personally I would normally tip the host at the end. Unless I got cleaned out...
  • From a legal standpoint, it's illegal, unless the donations cover only the cost of food and beverages, etc... that you have provided.

    From an ethical standpoint, I have no problem with it. I've seen some underground clubs call their juice 'donations' though, and that won't get them around the law, at all.

  • I know it is illegal but I think that as long I'm only trying to cover most of the costs of the tourney it wouldn't be a problem...would it? I have also many places call their juice money but I just need to cover my costs. Should any one have a problem with that players / the law?
  • Iguess it depends on the "home game".

    If one of the guys in my regular game asked me for a "donation" because he was hosting, I would laugh in his face. And I would never ask anyone for money to play cards at my house - that is ridiculous.

    But if it is a bunch of guys you do not know, and the game is a high-limit affair, then I guess maybe it would be acceptible....although I still wouldn't do it.

    On the other hand - If you are running an underground club - that is a completely different story, but you better make sure your game is solid, with refreshments, proper tables and chips, dealers, etc., or people won't come back.
  • If you're merely covering your costs, and no more, then neither the players nor the law should have a problem with that. Hell, the players wouldn't care even if you were taking juice... it's more or less expected in 'underground' tournaments, but then it creates that whole fuzzy legal problem.

  • I am not looking to make money from it ... but I have run into some problems due to the pure interest I have gotten. I am faced with 100 player tourney. I will need to rent tables and but chips. I know I probably can not cover all my costs but would like to recoop some of the costs.

    P.S. I never take money for my home/out of home games/tourneys I organize but again I have never run into 100 people before.
  • a 100 person tournamnet??
    add a couple bucks on the entry fee nobody will care.
    if they do tell them this is what it costs if you dont like find another tourney.
    thats a lot of work just to be out a couple of hundred dollars at the end of the day.
  • Well, on side note I do hope to win this.
  • Now what's fair? $1, $2, $5?

    Should I post it now and make it manditory or leave it optional and everyone at the tourney?
  • $5 is totally fair, nobody is going to complain.
  • depnds on the buy in
    i played a 50+10 home tourny - pizza and beer included (3 beers, 3 slices)
  • you have to make it mandatory or expect a bunch of whinning i.e. if he didnt have to pay im not either.
  • Yep, I will be adding $5 to the costs. It won't cover all expenses so all should be okay.
  • If anybody whines about the fee, then yell out....."NO poker for you, come back one year." Then point to the door. lol
  • If anybody whines about the fee, then yell out....."NO poker for you, come back one year."
    Then point to the door. lol
  • If $5 doesn't cover your costs then make it $7 or $10. If anyone complains about $100+$10 and you're getting 100 guys out, tell them to beat it and find another tourney to play in. Case closed! You shouldn't be out ANY cash.

  • It's all good. I'm not have dealers or professional tables so I don't want to charge to much. So don't want to over charge people. $5 will cover my costs enough and I will make up the rest the next time we run one. Then the costs should be able to drop. Any hope to some you guys out there. Your support will be appreciated.

  • If you're concerned about the legality of it, make sure you keep records and receipts for your costs. There's no legal problem with donations or fees, so long as you're not making money. In the unlikely event that you do run into trouble, you want to be able to actually show that you aren't making money off it.
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