Looking for super-tits

On behalf of Kristy, we just found out two of our team members are not available for the Royal Cup. I am posting a request for two more members for the super-tits team. To be eligible for this team you may NOT have a Y-chromosome. For those of you who failed biology in high school, we are looking for female poker players for this team.

P.S. I wanted a title for the thread that would get people's attention. I can only imagine the responses I will get now.


  • As I would hate to disappoint....May I offer my services in petting potential candidates?

    Sorry that should say "vetting".
  • I'm also looking for super tits.... good luck!

    (wondering if he's too new to post this on the forum...:) )
  • OMG! Best title ever....couldn't have done it better myself.
  • sounds like you ladies may be (super) tits up.
  • meh, I'm hopeful...if the Rocks can set a guideline like "you must be 100+ to join" I think we can find 2 ladies...

    (I hope)
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    As I would hate to disappoint....May I offer my services in petting potential candidates?

    Sorry that should say "vetting".

    Although you may find this surprising, I have to say that I would have been disappointed with anything less from you under these circumstances.
  • you and Kristy can give me a makeover so i can join the team:D
  • philliivey wrote: »
    you and Kristy can give me a makeover so i can join the team:D

    I'd be careful Phil, . . . after the first hack, you can't go back.
    Besides, Phillis doesn't have the same cache, does it?:D
  • So is the entry condition that you have to be a chic or that you need only have tits?
  • Haha... Love the team name... When I first saw this thread title my thoughts were, "aren't we all".
  • So is the entry condition that you have to be a chic or that you need only have tits?

    I think at this point we're going to have to consider 'tits' enough....you volunteering?

    will you at least wear a pink shirt or something?
  • Well I don't think I'm a good pick having never really played stud or PLO.
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