
Looking to buy a laptop.....never owned one before.

As I know less about computers than I do the square root of a pineapple.

Primarily will be used for online poker....2-3 sites at time, no more than 5 tables.

What do I need for memory, processor speed, wireless connectivity......shit like that. Better to go new or used?

All I know is the screen size.....min 17" I was thinking.

Any spec's anyone can suggest would be appreciated........of course I'm looking to spend as little as possible.


  • Laptops stink for multi-tabling. It is primarily the screen size. Sure you can have a really high resolution that allows for you to see 4 tables clean, but the size is just too small to even read the cards.

    Go new, used is for chumps. These things are obsolete the day they hit the store shelves anyway, last thing you want (and you are looking at cheap ones if it is just for poker) is one a year older than that.

    Do you have wireless already at home? Do you already have high speed at home?

    If you get 64bit os, make sure you have at least 4GB of RAM, vista blows.

    Just watch the sales, if you can wait, boxing day is really how to get a deal.
  • I like my HP DV series for online poker. 17". Does what it needs to do and is a good media machine. Heavy though, so not as portable as some of those dells.
  • Laptops stink for multi-tabling. It is primarily the screen size. Sure you can have a really high resolution that allows for you to see 4 tables clean, but the size is just too small to even read the cards..

    currently just use a 17" on my home computer.....4 is no prob......but 5 can get a little difficult

    .[/quote]Do you have wireless already at home? Do you already have high speed at home?.[/quote]

    Have Highspeed (through cable)....what do I need to set up the wireless?
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    Have Highspeed (through cable)....what do I need to set up the wireless?

    Some of the newer high-speed modems actually already have the wireless G built in. It depends on your provider and the hardware they "rent" you.

    If it doesn't, just go to a BB or FS and get a linksys or dlink wireless g router. Don't get speed boost, probalby don't even get wireless N unless your laptop supports it. Both of those things will force you to get a special card to adapt to those technologies. Make sure you secure it during the install!

    I also have an HP with no complaints. Have had problems in the past with Dells at the office. Again, the processor you get is going to be almost irrelevant for just playing poker. RAM is really where it is at and don't settle for any less than 4GB for vista.

    Going to attach a mouse? If not, I really like the touchpads better than the little ball in the middle, some have both, but some only have one or the other.
  • actyper wrote: »
    I like my HP DV series for online poker. 17". Does what it needs to do and is a good media machine. Heavy though, so not as portable as some of those dells.

    Thinking weight wouldn't matter that much....but I suppose that might change after you've had one for awhile.
  • Weight doesn't matter at all for me, it mostly just sits in my family room.

    4gb for vista? Gonna dread the day when i'm forced to upgrade to that pos.
  • actyper wrote: »
    Weight doesn't matter at all for me, it mostly just sits in my family room.

    4gb for vista? Gonna dread the day when i'm forced to upgrade to that pos.

    Had a look at a couple last night....they said they didn't carry anything other that Vista (other than Mac of course).....4 GB it is.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    Had a look at a couple last night....they said they didn't carry anything other that Vista (other than Mac of course).....4 GB it is.

    Mac ain't bad..been using one for the past 8 months or so now and loving it.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    Had a look at a couple last night....they said they didn't carry anything other that Vista (other than Mac of course).....4 GB it is.
    Of course they don't, the chains are HEAVILY incented to sell only Vista. Keep in mind that NO business of any size has any plans to switch to Vista. All of the major manufactures still sell (and will for the foreseable future) XP systems because Vista still has major issues from both a compatibility and performance perspective. If you order online you can get XP.
  • Also note that I believe if you order from ex) Dell, you have to pay extra to downgrade to XP.
  • actyper wrote: »
    Also note that I believe if you order from ex) Dell, you have to pay extra to downgrade to XP.
    Nope, if you order with Vista business it comes with the license to allow you to load XP Pro. No additional cost. I believe most of the manufacturers are now following this path because of the Vista issues.
  • My mom order a Dell laptop with vista on it. It is pure crap. Stick with XP. Vista will do stupid things all on it's own, requiring me to come and reconfigure her computer.
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