Game 5

Hard to believe its almost the half way point of the season already. Darryl holds a small lead on the points board right now, but a very small lead. Play lately has been very good though, and seems like the best players are contining to take home the cash. hmmmm, what's happening on The Hill? Used to be the donkey's made the money every week, but I ain't been doing so good ;)

Who's In?

1 - AJ
2 - Joe
3 - Darryl
4 - Garry
5 - Steve
6 - Kris
7 - Allen
8 - Eleanor
9 - Justin
10 -
11 -
12 -


  • Well, I cashed so the donkeys are still in there. I will miss this week though as I am away to convention. See you the following.
  • I should be able to make this one
  • I'll be there...
  • That's it?? No more interested? Come on guys, fill the table!! Need the diversion tonight in the worst way.
  • I got bored and read Moshman again last night in preparation for this evenings affair. So basically your all screwed.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I got bored and read Moshman again last night in preparation for this evenings affair. So basically your all screwed.

    Wow, I'm impressed.

    Didn't know you could read.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Wow, I'm impressed.

    Didn't know you could read.

  • Out for this week, possibly next as well...,

    Justyce needing some care and attention...., on anitbiotics for the time being but will need to monitor condition closely. Doctors at WOHC don't know exactly how/why but his mosquito bites is now developing into some sort of rash/infection in the last couple of days...,

    That's the bad news..., good news, I have your "dark ale" and will deliver at the earliest possible convenience. I still have to get back to you about RCV, maybe I'll PM you later on tonite if not tomorrow AM at the latest.


  • Thanks for the update Micheal...hope things get better for your little one.
  • Pretty light game tonight...still, should be a good game. Plenty of open seats for any late comers
  • Im in.
  • Quite the battle tonight three handed, with Darryl (current leader), Steve (last season champ), and Eleanor. All you guys played VERY good poker tonight.

    Darryl ran smack dab into Steve's aces to tear down his stack to about two big blinds. He did survive one hand by splitting, but had to settle for third place.

    Eleanor and Steve fought a great round headsup, but it was Steve's KQ over Eleanor's K9? that won out the night for him. Great game guys.

    And Kris? Well, for the fourth week in row, Kris is Bubble Boy. If this keeps up, I'll have to find the Bubble Suit for him next week ;)

    And typical of late, I was chump, after hitting my nut flush but missing the boat potential on the board and having Joe call me cold with it.

    Great game everyone, see you all next week.
  • Leader Board Status:

    DARRYL 196.43
    KRIS 174.86
    ALLAN 163.25
    DEREK 135.15
    CHRIS 119.61
    MICHEAL 114.54
    A.J. 113.57
    STEVE 111.42
    GARRY 108.56
    JUSTIN 81.72
    ELEANOR 80.25
    DON 75.56
    JOE 72.63
    AARON 53.6
    MIKE 41.84
    RUSS 22.69
    JEFF 13
  • It was Steve's KQ v. my Q8.

    Steve pretty much owned me heads-up. Plus I acted like a complete newb (going all-in before Steve completed his raise). But I don't care...I made the mooooonnneeeeeyyyyy. Chris is right. Poker is more fun when you bring home money ;)

    Congrats Steve!
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