Who's next

So, assuming that Dion steps down, who do the Liberals put in place to try and win the next election?


  • Since there won't be an election now for a couple years at least, I think they should pick an interim leader and then just wait a while.
  • Bob Rae - aka my dad.
  • Since Dion has stepped down, the Liberal rules will make it so they have to choose a new leader relatively soon (I'm not sure of the exact timing - but I'm sure it's within the next year).

    I honestly see either Ignatieff or Rae winning that leadership race for 2 reasons:

    A) If the Liberals learned anything in this election, it is that a not-so-strong leader can definitely lead them in the wrong direction.


    B) The Liberals are teetering on bankruptcy. They cannot afford to do a leadership race now, and then another one before the next election.

    (This is also why they had to convince Dion to resign instead of going to a leadership vote - many doubted the Liberals could afford to do one conference for a leadership review, and then also fund the inevitable conference for choosing the leader)

    If the Liberals had not done the infighting during the last leadership race and had chosen either Rae or Ignatieff then I honestly believe we would be looking at a Liberal minority government instead of a Conservative one.
  • You do realize that the next Liberal leader is just a stand in until the party powers that be, decide that Justin Trudeau is ready. He is an eloquent speaker, just needs some political seasoning, and probably not necessarily much. Methinks Justin and Obama would hit it off well...
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Bob Rae - aka my dad.

    Didn't Ontario already make that mistake once? How is he even still in politics let alone in a position to lead a party?

    (no offense to your dad of course)

    I have it with all these blokes.... I am starting my own party. If I win I will allow poker in any home and touching at all nudie bars! Man-thongs however will be banished.
  • If I win I will allow poker in any home and touching at all nudie bars! Man-thongs however will be banished.

    Your proposal is suggesting that we hang an innocent man ...rather than let a guilty one go free.

    I cannot support a party that would stop pictures like this from being created, and would see these two artistes punished.

    Perhaps, simple regulation is better.. a man-thong permit? I would be honoured to see to that section of gov't in a The_Awesome administration.

  • I can see it now:

    Kristy Sea, Deputy Minister of Consumer and Commercial Affairs, Standards and Measurements branch.

    I am sure that your office will set a rigid standard of efficiency, weeding out those who fail to measure up to the Ministries exacting standards.

    Then, in a few years, those of us who have suffered under your oppressive yoke, will have to go all "V for Vendetta" on you. Except, instead of those delicious masks, we'll borrow InsaneGuy's G/F's strap-ons. I'll be the one wearing the "Anaconda" model. I've always been a bit of an over-compensator . . .
  • Didn't Ontario already make that mistake once? How is he even still in politics let alone in a position to lead a party?

    +1. If the Liberals want to lose all their seats in Ontario, they'll pick Rae.
  • I should put the disclaimer in there that I dont want to see a guy like Rae in there - this is just the way I see the party moving after the Dion escapades.

    They will be looking for a "name", not necessarily a direction, until they can crown Trudeau.

    But Im OK with National Rae Days, so who knows.
  • I am scared shitless of the day we have a reality series for the Priministers office with Trudeau Jr. vs. Mulroney Jr.

    Don't kid yourself... it's coming.
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