$60 No Limit Tournament - Saturday Oct. 18th, 8pm Mississauga

Hey everyone,

I am holding another $60 buy in tournament this Saturday, October 18th at 8pm.

I am limiting this event to 20 players. If interested in playing, please email me at craig212@hotmail.com to be put on the RSVP list, or for any other details you would like to know.

The last tournament I ran had 19 players and the top 5 made the money. First place collected $550.

There will be a 1-2 no limit cash game after the tournament approximately starting at 10pm.

20 minute blinds
2000 starting chips
1 rebuy before the first break (one hour) $60 = 2000 chips
No add ons

200-400 (25 ante)
300-600 (50 ante)
500-1000 (100 ante)
1000-2000 (100 ante)
2000-4000 (200 ante)
3000-6000 (300 ante)
4000-8000 (400 ante)
5000-10000 (500 ante)


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