Game 4

Darryl has taken a small lead so far this season, but the season is only 1/3 of the way complete. Anybody can make a move and get the freeroll in the SET game

Who's In?

1 - AJ
2 - Don
3 - Darryl
4 - Kris
5 - Garry
6 - Allen
7 -
8 - Derek
9 - Chris
10 - Justin
11 - Mike (tentative)
12 -
13 -
14 -
15 -


  • In please...
  • List me as tentative right now AJ. I may have to work Thursday night.
  • Seats still available...Joe, can you confirm yet? Same with Mike (Stakz).
  • I cannot make it I"m still in the office and now have an emergency to deal with. There is no way I can make it
  • That sucks Joe. Well, must be nice to be busy though. Our company just implemented work sharing, starting this week, including salaried staff. Only a three day week for me. Damn Boeing strike!!

    Anyways, lots of seating available. Keep the seating open as late as possible. Hopefully we can get a second table up and running.
  • Seems to be the best way to win on The Hill lately is to plan a trip south the following week.

    Derek is heading to Mexico with first place money!! Chris takes home second place, and Don once again walks out with third place finish, his second money in as many games.

    Excellent game tonight everyone, thanks for coming out. Sorry I don't have many HH's tonight, had a few brews and forgotten them all ;) Feel free to post them though, I'm sure to remember a few.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Sorry I don't have many HH's tonight, had a few brews and forgotten them all ;) Feel free to post them though, I'm sure to remember a few.

    long story short:
    KK loses 5 times to worse hand.
    AJ wins 5 times to better hand.
    Low cards = good. High cards = bad.

    Thanks AJ. See you guys in a couple of weeks.
  • Story of my life AJ, always the bridesmaid.
    Thanks for another interesting meeting.
  • Good game last night.

    Ace-Jack is the nuts...unless you are Ally and are drawing against Ace-6.
  • derksen wrote: »
    Low cards = good. High cards = bad.

    Fme Ive been doing it wrong.

    Either way - not very often those who played the best game make the money, which happened last night.

  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Seems to be the best way to win on The Hill lately is to plan a trip south the following week.

    Derek is heading to Mexico with first place money!!

    ohh ohhh..., I'm Back...., If ur right AJ, I won't place money til next October vacation!!!! Damn!!! I am planning to have 2 weeks off this coming festive holiday..., does that count?!????

    Congrats to all the money finishers!!!

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