Game 3

Third game into the new season...still lots of play too.

Who's IN??

1 - AJ
2 - Justin
3 - Garry
4 - Darryl
5 - Chris
6 - Allen
7 -
8 - Kris
9 - Don (new guy)
10 - Eleanor
11 - Micheal (tentative)
12 -
13 -
14 -
15 -
16 -


  • In tentatively.
  • hey MIKE!! Been awhile...I'll save a seat for you
  • I'm in...
  • Nana's babysitting...I'm in too :)
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    Nana's babysitting...I'm in too :)

    Great to have you BOTH back.
  • Be nice to get a few more players come out tonight, make it a two table game again. Plenty of seats open, and new players always welcome.

    Also, still looking for members who would be interested in representing Ching Hill on Nov 1 in Kitchener for Royal Cup VI. If you're interested in playing, let me know either at tonight's game, or email, or PM.
  • In tentatively....
  • I am going to have to pass on tonights game. I have an extemely sore throat and fever and thought I would be selfish and keep it too myself. I dont want the new parents bringing anything home to the baby. I will be joining back in these games and hope to see ya next week, to settle my score with Chris. Yes thats right Chris it still stings and i havent forgotten. :):) Have a great game all and be good.
  • Hope you're feelign better soon Mike.
  • I will be joining back in these games and hope to see ya next week, to settle my score with Chris. Yes thats right Chris it still stings and i havent forgotten. :):) Have a great game all and be good.

    I lay bad beats all the time, but if I remember correctly against you was very sweet because it was on the bubble, you had Aces and I had something like 5-6.
  • Ty for the well wishes AJ. I really wanted to put my n95 mask on today and play. :)

    Ohh and chris, it was lower i was sure it was 2,3 but AJ thought it was 3,4 and since its been a while I wont disagree with AJ.
    No sir was it as donkalishus as a 5,6 though. :)

    If ChingHill is in need of a RoyalCup player pm me the details, i would be interested in knowing the details.

    and chris bad beats are given and taken thats part of the fun of pokie baby. No harm no foul.
  • Micheal heads to Cuba tomorrow with the first place monies he won tonight.

    His JJ was able to stand up against Justin's A10. Jacks tonight were guaranteed a winning hand, no matter what the kicker card was, and anyone who had one, played it for all it was worth. Justin takes second place finish, and new guy Don hung onto third place.

    I can't remember the last time I was so card dead. Only had I really had tonight was pocket 6's and folded them preflop to Darryl's UTG raise. Sometimes you just have to hate this game.

    GG all around though, thanks everyone for coming out. Great to see BOTH Elliotts out again together.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Micheal heads to Cuba tomorrow with the first place monies he won tonight.

    His JJ was able to stand up against Justin's A10. Jacks tonight were guaranteed a winning hand, no matter what the kicker card was, and anyone who had one, played it for all it was worth. Justin takes second place finish, and new guy Don hung onto third place.

    I can't remember the last time I was so card dead. Only had I really had tonight was pocket 6's and folded them preflop to Darryl's UTG raise. Sometimes you just have to hate this game.

    GG all around though, thanks everyone for coming out. Great to see BOTH Elliotts out again together.

    Congrats Michael, it seems that you were getting the cards last night.

    Good game over all, now if I can only get some hands and avoid others hitting trips I might win a game.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    if I can only get some hands and avoid others hitting trips I might win a game.

    Hitting trips isn't the answer either :bs:
  • wtf Garry?

    I give u all my chips again and you donk them off?

    Congrats to the cashees.
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