Guelph thursday (october 9)

We're running again this week, should be a blast. 25 dollar total buy in, 20 to the main pot, 5 to the bounty. Game is NLHE, 6000 in chips to start...

Game starts at 7:30

1. Mark
2. Timmeh
3. AJ
4. JEn
5. Keith

And, on an unrelated note, i'll be playing at wally's tavern (in guelph) tonight (sunday) if anyone is interested in getting up on stage or whatever... i run an open mic there. i'm on stage at 8:30! :)


  • Count me in!
  • i'm trying to figure out a way to make it.. but it's looking like i wont be able to this week. i have a test from 7-9 and i don't think i'll be done in time.

    hopefully next week.
  • Aj and I are in!
  • I should be there.
  • Hmmm...looks like this game is on the bubble. Hope you get enough..
  • this is very true....hopefully..i'll call adam (other adam) and see if he's in..i'm good with runnign wtih 5 guys interested? i have to run the open mic at wally's tonight as a shorter game might work perfect for me!
  • alright, there is just the 5 of do you guys think?
  • We are going to go walk the dogs now and we'll check this when we get back. 7 or 8 is better. I would rather drive all the way there for a little bigger game...why don't you call Mark whore?
  • typically if he can come he yeah...i guess that's the deciding more players = no more game! sorry guys..hopefully next week!!!
  • I will play with 5 but that's my minimum. If we get 6 we can go winner-take-all Poker After dark style...maybe Nadine can do player interviews lol...
    I will watch this thread for final word.
  • unfortunate but it looks like it's a no go timmer! but i am playing at wallys tonight if yer interested! :)

    Jen is right tho, it doesn't make much sense for jen and AJ to drive in with only 5 players! :(
  • Ya, that makes sense. Thnaks for trying Mark...hope to see you next week. Fighting that cold everyone had last week so no wally's tonight. Some Sunday soon OK?
  • how about this week?
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