Game 2; Might be late for this one

Customer golf tournament on Thursday, so I might be abit late to this game. Still, I will be there eventually. Tables will be set up though, so have no fear.

Darryl takes the first lead of the new season, but I think he'll have a fight on his hands to keep it.

Who's in??

1 - AJ
2 - Darryl
3 - Garry
4 - Eleanor
5 - Kris
6 - Joe
7 - Derek
8 - Allen
9 - Aaron
10 - Steve
12 -
13 -
14 -


  • In.

  • ElElliott wrote: »


    Oh oh...some REAL competition!! ;)

    Welcome back El!!!
  • Yeah, welcome back Elie!!!! I'm in
  • I'm in ......
  • Sure.... what the hell.

    Welcome Back El!!
  • in...but just tell me who to give my money to and i can get home early
  • Ally wrote: »
    tell me who to give my money to and i can get home early

    Why? Is Dancing With The Stars on then?? ;)
  • ill be there AJ
  • i should be there
  • I'll try to check the list until about 11 or so this morning, then I'm off to participate in a Customer Sponsored Working Relationship Building Event (golf tournament). Not sure when I will get back, but if I'm abit late, just start without me.

    Seating is open for more players...if you're interested, post here, and you'll be added to the list.

    See everyone tonight.
  • I hope you don't get rained out. It's not looking pleasant for your public relations event.
  • Yea, I've been watching the forecast. NO matter...more drinking done than driving at these events anyway ;)
  • The next edition of "Poker: The Ching Hill Method" was written last night, this time by Suck Out Artist Extraordiniar, Allen!!

    Three handed action saw Allen, Derek, and myself battling it out. Both had me outchipped, so I was going to be quite happy with third place and let these two Masters battle it out. But then, a small miracle happened.

    Not quite sure where the action started in this one, but Allen made a very nice raise in the BB, pretty much putting Derek all in. He called and showed A9o, and Allen turned over AJo. Okay, so MAYBE he was ahead here, but the flop came down giving Derek two pair, and he started counting chips for Allen to match. Turn was a stone, but a Jack on the river gave Allen a better 2pr and all Derek could do was stop counting and start shoving his stack to Allen.

    Headsup went for two or three hands, Allen having a 3:1 chip lead. I look down at A8 and push. Allen calculated his suckout odds and called with K7 I think. King on the turn gave him the lead, and the river wasn't the ace or diamond I needed. At least I moved up abit ;)

    Bubble was Darryl, and Steve was Chump after his flopped set of 7's were dominated by Kris's flopped set of aces.

    Good game all, Eleanor, great to see you again, like the hair! ;)
    See you all next week.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Allen made a very nice raise in the BB, pretty much putting Derek all in. He called and showed A9o, and Allen turned over AJo. Okay, so MAYBE he was ahead here, but the flop came down giving Derek two pair, and he started counting chips for Allen to match. Turn was a stone, but a Jack on the river gave Allen a better 2pr and all Derek could do was stop counting and start shoving his stack to Allen.

    Close, but not quite. I was on the button, and looked down at the second best possible hand (A6os), and pushed (as Alan re-raised every one of my 3 and 4 handed raises). Alan made a Donkey call with AJos. I flopped nut nut, A6brick. Turn blank. River J for Alan's nut nut. Donkey sucker.

  • GG Allen!

    It was great to be back. When I got home I told Chris I had fun. His response... "It's even more fun when you win money". Jackass ;)
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    GG Allen!

    It was great to be back. When I got home I told Chris I had fun. His response... "It's even more fun when you win money". Jackass ;)

    It is more should see how happy Allen is today. (This is unusual for Allen at work.)

    Seriously guys...Allen? Winning? What is wrong with you people?
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Seriously guys...Allen? Winning? What is wrong with you people?

    Sometimes, a donkey has more than a couple horseshoes up his ass!!!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Sometimes, a donkey has more than a couple horseshoes up his ass!!!

    Yes, he took Kris's chipstack (3D version) quickly and painlessly.
  • Try and guess who this is.

    Attachment not found.
  • For the love of god please tell me you drew that. Epic.
  • ROFLMAO....that was great!!! Nice hand Allen!
  • Ally wrote: »
    Try and guess who this is.

    Attachment not found.

    Looks like he has a polish accent. Hmmm.

    Awesome drawing Allen.
  • Sorry I couldn't make it out last night but I was busy:

    2008 World Series of Poker Europe
    £10,000 WSOP Europe Main Event

    Place Prize Winner Sponsor
    1£ 868,800John Juanda ico_244.gif Full Tilt Poker
    2£ 533,950Stanislav Alekhin
    3£ 334,850Ivan Demidov
    4£ 271,500Bengt Sonnert
    5£ 217,200Daniel Negreanu
    6£ 171,950Scott Fischman ico_244.gif Full Tilt Poker
    7£ 135,750Robin Keston
    8£ 108,600Toni Hiltunen
    £ 81,450Chris Elliott
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