New UB/AP Commercial

Found this on 2+2 and thought it was pretty funny...

YouTube - Ultimate Bet / Absolute Poker Commercial


  • Surprised you haven't gotten a formal letter from Hellmuth's lawyer demanding you take it down.
  • There is a detailed article today about the *&^%$#@! sites that Phil Hellmuth and Annie Duke continue to help cheat players. With my computer security bankground, I always knew about these online pitfalls and unfortunately, I believe there are a lot more online scandals that have yet to be discovered.


    While NioNio is the super-user account, I want to play against the two super-donkey accounts on the upper left hand corner, who have a losing rate of almost 200 big blinds! :o
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    I want to play against the two super-donkey accounts on the upper left hand corner, who have a losing rate of almost 200 big blinds! :o

    :)That would be me! Any time you want to play.:)
  • Thanks for posting that...very funny commercial. Of course, it just feeds my paranoia, but such is life. :)
  • Hellmuth stands by Ultimate Bet.

    Speak to any industry analyst and they will tell you the same thing: "UltimateBet is not the only online poker room where people within the company were cheating players, it's just that they are the only one's who have been caught doing it."
  • You guys know it's in their contract that they get to steal all your money if you don't log in every so often?
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