
Sorry for any format or spelling errors but I have to type this one handedd.

I just went through airport screening with Lindsay lohan. She is hotter in real life.

That is all.


  • Shes quite a coke head, but probably pretty hot. Did you try and pick her up at least?
  • Pic or it didn't happen :D
  • Well no pics :( no one else seemed to notice and so I didn't want to be the one to make a scene. She also had her girlfriend with her and beside I don't pick up chicks without my wife anyway ;).

    It was pretty cool though. I was standing there getting a random pat down by some ugly dude while she was going through the scanner beside me. Then I followed her into the duty free before they gave me the slip while I was in starbucks.

    So did no one catch the one handed typing joke or was it just not funny?

    Just to add some poker content I just lost 150 at the Bay 101 in one orbit with AK to pocket 3s. Flop came for both of us and I left in a fluster.
  • where the hell were/are you? You were just at Pete's..

    and I lol'd at the one handed comment the first and second time.
  • I just lost 150 at the Bay 101

    San Jose, CA

    If you are close to the Bicycle Casino, you should check it out. I think it is an only poker casino. If you could get on live at the Bike, that would be too funny.
  • If he gets on "Live", I want to be certain he washed that hand. Preferrably both of 'em. Sheesh.
  • Ya San Jose.

    Man don't ask me how I know but the strip clubs here suck! If they are nude then there no alcohol. And not only can you not touch them but they can't touch you! For Kalifornia being
    the porn capitol of the world tha is pretty f''d up.
  • Well no pics :( no one else seemed to notice and so I didn't want to be the one to make a scene.

    This is why God put cameras in cell phones.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    This is why God put cameras in cell phones.

    Hahaha... ok that joke I got!

    The one handed thing kinda went over my head.
  • Graham wrote: »
    Hahaha... ok that joke I got!

    The one handed thing kinda went over my head.

    ..because he was using one hand to type with, the other to masturbate.
  • Trip update:

    I didn't go back to the Bay 101. Instead I switched to limit Hold'em at the Garden City Casino. I ended up break even for the week.

    The last night I sat down at the 3-6 table with 90. I watched it all disappear over time as draws never came.
    I was down to my last 9 chips and saw A 4 diamonds from UTG. I raised it up and 6 people saw the flop. I
    raised it all in after a flop of AKQ and everyone at least called. Turn in a 4. I announce I have 4 outs when I see all the betting that follows.
    River comes A... Lol. It stands... Someone flopped the straight and someone else had a lower fully. Next hand I get poket Ks and a K comes on the flop.
    In 2 hands I went from 9 chips to 150.... So I left :o).

    I failed to break even on the week at the strip club however.
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