7 Years Already!!

Hard to believe 7 years have passed since 9/11. Can still remember the day like yesterday (one of those life defining moments). Was watching Mr Dressup with son, surfing to news channel when news hit (had day off). When now ex-wife got home, jumped in car and went to work (the National Defence HQ). Pretty much lived in the office for the following week. Been working hard ever since....

Lets not forget to take a moment to remember all those who died in those 4 aircraft, two towers and the Pentagon.... I believe 40 Canadians were amongst the victims....


  • As much as I do agree what it's sad and I feel bad for everyone that died, there's much MUCH WORSE thigns happening everyday that kills much MUCH MORE people than what happended on 9/11.

    It seems that we only care when it happens to us, in our home and that is the sad part.
  • I am not going to get in a pi**ing contest with you over this, but with the exception of the rare natural disasters that have happened in the last 7 years, I challenge you to back up your claim (with facts) that worse things happen EVERY DAY THAT KILL MORE PEOPLE. 2819 ordinary people were murdered that day, hardly what I would call minor.

    PS. The Avatar is me.... I HAVE seen the worst, and the best, of mankind....... to much sometimes.... but I know where I stand.
    No matter your response, this is the last from me on this topic.

  • Maybe my choice of wording was bad (hey english isn't my first language).
    I never said that what happended on 9/11 was nothing heck I'm still shocked that it happended, what I was saying is people make it sound like it's worse than what happens everyday in countries where war are wagered, where people have no rights, etc.

    Basicly people are close minded, not saying you are, but many are, especially in the US.
  • I challenge you to back up your claim (with facts) that worse things happen EVERY DAY THAT KILL MORE PEOPLE. 2819 ordinary people were murdered that day, hardly what I would call minor.

    AIDS? How about the ppl starving to death in Africa? Oh wait.. that's not north america, so it's irrelevant.
  • I was on my honeymoon the day it happened, in Florida. We flew to the US on 9/10/01 the day before. Still remember watching the planes hit live in the morning at the hotel room. A couple A bombs would do the trick. Save a lot of lives (CDN/US) that is.
  • 9/11 was definitely a tragic day and I feel bad for all that lost their loved ones. I still remember watching the tv coverage over and over for like 15 hours. By the end of the day I was just sick to my stomach.
  • I was in Grade 9 at home sick, playing computer games ( Counterstrike ). I ended up watching CNN all that jazz for the rest of the day. 7 years feels like a lifetime, at the same time it feels like yesterday.
  • schabs wrote: »
    I was in Grade 9 at home sick, playing computer games ( Counterstrike ). I ended up watching CNN all that jazz for the rest of the day. 7 years feels like a lifetime, at the same time it feels like yesterday.

    You where sick during the 2nd week of school?! Wow I would have NEVER gotten away with that!

    I was a work glued to the TV just like everybody else. It's our 'Pearl Harbor' for sure.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I was on my honeymoon the day it happened, in Florida. We flew to the US on 9/10/01 the day before. Still remember watching the planes hit live in the morning at the hotel room. A couple A bombs would do the trick. Save a lot of lives (CDN/US) that is.

    I was going to make some kinda funny comment about "not just being a poker mentality" or something.. but it didn't come together, so I'll just go with....

    Wow... just... just wow..

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