BOO - HORSE - Sept. 27 TO

I'm looking for anyone interested in travelling with me to TO for the BOO.
Details are sketchy. Likely $50k HORSE something like $50-$100 buyin.



  • I am interested.
  • Interested, but I assume you're looking for carpooling.

    Never heard of this there a link?
  • It is a ChipTalk event, hence the custom BOO chips. 800Over is also coming. I'm going so people can ride with me or get there by themselves.

  • need to be a member to access; rake free event? they have many other events?
  • Well you need to be a member to go so you are going to have to join CT anyways. Rake free. It is one day. There will be cash games etc with this event.
  • ok it's $100 HORSE. Who's in?
  • What time does it start?
  • They are still adjusting the details. Currently it is <4pm and $50k starting stacks. Subject to change.
  • I might join you if starting time works out well..keep this updated
  • I'm also interested...
  • The host has contacted me and pointed out that this IS a Chiptalk event. My intention was always to notify the dual board members but also encourage more ties between the two boards. However this is at the guys home so the point that I am making is that even though I mention it here and hope that people join CT if they are not already members, the end result is that the host is going out of his way to make this a great event for Chiptalk members and not anyone is just walking through his door. I do know there are many CT members here already that essentially lurk just as there are many lurkers here who rarely post. So even having been a member of CT before or after I created this thread may or may not necessarily get you in the door. I am just pointing out that although I am excited about this event because I think it will be really great and I hope others are as well, don't be disappointed if in the end the host says no. Although I am a fairly active member of both boards, I've never been to the hosts' place before and it is kind of a lot to ask him to let me vouch for others. I'm going and if you really want to go, I will do what I can but in the end it is up to you to make your case on CT.

    I know everyone here understands that.

  • I took the link down and if you want it without searching through, I suggest you pm me. The host and I have decided that if he is going to come to my place for the 2 day HORSE then he will let me vouch for a few.

    Let the bribery begin!

  • Given that I don't own any poker chips, it would be pretty hypocritical of me to go to the event if it was meant for Chiptalk members. I did join, but only because of this event. If the host is looking for extra players, let me know more details.
  • Ditto for what Sandy said...

    Except I do own a tonne of chips - but none of them obtained through CT.

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