Graham wrote: » Have a good one!
ddmilcan wrote: » It's your birthday, and your taking the rest of the day off! Have a great day Milton Slim
WaterLooser wrote: » I agree Wolffe, tell your boss to cram it!<you know he runs his own business right?> Hope your Mom can cover the shop for you today. Have a good one!
Or 2 or 3...oh hell have a 12.
Choose your own present...
Door #1
Door #2
Door #3
Have a great day
Milton Slim
I'd say have one for me, but I'm guessing that you'll already have too many tonight :-)
Buy your first one at the next Royal...whenever that may be
I agree Wolffe, tell your boss to cram it!
<you know he runs his own business right?>
Hope your Mom can cover the shop for you today. Have a good one!
My attempt at humour! I promise I won't do it again. Today!!
Milton Slim
Hope you had a good night, wish I coulda stayed for a cold one....enjoy the pints!
Its all down hill now!
Thanks for the well wishes, its been a good week. (yesterday was 14th Wedding Anniv).
p.s. trust me, I had a beer for all of you.
p.p.s. E- Export is in the fridge...