choron and sir watts in top 20 at wcoop

both choron and sir watts in top 20 right now in wcoop event 5 and itm is drawing near!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

good luck guys:)

also watching a u.k. player from another forum i am on who is in top 30 of event 6, so much excitement so lil time:)


  • Ive been watching this for quite a while... 1 more play till the bubble bursts. Gl to both of you!

    EDIT... Noah Boekenen was the bubble boy... Glen is now in 6th and Mike 23rd. Congrats to both of you!
  • Update... Watts is out

    PokerStars Game #20235547328: Tournament #200800005, $10000+$300 Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (2500/5000) - 2008/09/07 23:11:08 ET
    Table '200800005 13' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
    Seat 1: Assassin8tor (65400 in chips)
    Seat 2: whaassuuppp (116968 in chips)
    Seat 3: gunning4you (238105 in chips)
    Seat 4: delegator (197882 in chips)
    Seat 5: Boosted J (97726 in chips)
    Seat 6: rkruok (135315 in chips)
    Seat 7: Choron (325225 in chips)
    Seat 8: SirWatts (66533 in chips)
    Seat 9: Pier85 (124056 in chips)
    Assassin8tor: posts the ante 500
    whaassuuppp: posts the ante 500
    gunning4you: posts the ante 500
    delegator: posts the ante 500
    Boosted J: posts the ante 500
    rkruok: posts the ante 500
    Choron: posts the ante 500
    SirWatts: posts the ante 500
    Pier85: posts the ante 500
    Pier85: posts small blind 2500
    Assassin8tor: posts big blind 5000
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    whaassuuppp: folds
    gunning4you: folds
    delegator: folds
    Boosted J: folds
    rkruok: folds
    Choron: folds
    SirWatts: raises 61033 to 66033 and is all-in
    Pier85: raises 57523 to 123556 and is all-in
    Assassin8tor: folds
    Uncalled bet (57523) returned to Pier85
    *** FLOP *** [5c Qs Kh]
    *** TURN *** [5c Qs Kh] [3h]
    *** RIVER *** [5c Qs Kh 3h] [7h]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    Pier85: shows [Kd As] (a pair of Kings)
    SirWatts: shows [Ad Qc] (a pair of Queens)
    Choron said, "gg"
    Pier85 collected 141566 from pot
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 141566 | Rake 0
    Board [5c Qs Kh 3h 7h]
    Seat 1: Assassin8tor (big blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 2: whaassuuppp folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 3: gunning4you folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 4: delegator folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 5: Boosted J folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 6: rkruok folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 7: Choron folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 8: SirWatts (button) showed [Ad Qc] and lost with a pair of Queens
    Seat 9: Pier85 (small blind) showed [Kd As] and won (141566) with a pair of Kings

    Glen lays a sick beat to propell to 2nd:

    PokerStars Game #20235575021: Tournament #200800005, $10000+$300 Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (2500/5000) - 2008/09/07 23:12:34 ET
    Table '200800005 13' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
    Seat 1: Assassin8tor (56900 in chips)
    Seat 2: whaassuuppp (110968 in chips)
    Seat 3: gunning4you (237105 in chips)
    Seat 4: delegator (196882 in chips)
    Seat 5: Boosted J (83076 in chips)
    Seat 6: rkruok (159465 in chips)
    Seat 7: Choron (324225 in chips)
    Seat 9: Pier85 (198589 in chips)
    Assassin8tor: posts the ante 500
    whaassuuppp: posts the ante 500
    gunning4you: posts the ante 500
    delegator: posts the ante 500
    Boosted J: posts the ante 500
    rkruok: posts the ante 500
    Choron: posts the ante 500
    Pier85: posts the ante 500
    whaassuuppp: posts small blind 2500
    gunning4you: posts big blind 5000
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    delegator: folds
    Boosted J: folds
    rkruok: folds
    Choron: raises 7225 to 12225
    Pier85: folds
    Assassin8tor: folds
    whaassuuppp: folds
    gunning4you: calls 7225
    *** FLOP *** [2h 9s Td]
    gunning4you: checks
    Choron: bets 16575
    gunning4you: raises 43525 to 60100
    Choron: raises 251400 to 311500 and is all-in
    gunning4you: calls 164280 and is all-in
    Uncalled bet (87120) returned to Choron
    *** TURN *** [2h 9s Td] [8d]
    *** RIVER *** [2h 9s Td 8d] [6s]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    gunning4you: shows [Th Ts] (three of a kind, Tens)
    Choron: shows [Jd Qs] (a straight, Eight to Queen)
    Choron collected 479710 from pot
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 479710 | Rake 0
    Board [2h 9s Td 8d 6s]
    Seat 1: Assassin8tor (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 2: whaassuuppp (small blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 3: gunning4you (big blind) showed [Th Ts] and lost with three of a kind, Tens
    Seat 4: delegator folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 5: Boosted J folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 6: rkruok folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 7: Choron showed [Jd Qs] and won (479710) with a straight, Eight to Queen
    Seat 9: Pier85 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
  • Choron took some heat for a long time for that beat.....he followed that up with an all in call with a-10 against a-q preflop for a third of his chips and turned a straight. He's a gambooler that's for sure.
  • It was a big raise from the BB, screaming I have a pr, go away. He is flipping if called (assuming a pair) and will make most hands go away. There was no possible reraise he could make without pot committing himself. So it is allin or fold. What is BB most likely holding?
  • This is a cool new feature... you can listen to the radio and watch live here: Channels

  • another day at the office... nice work Glen!

    PokerStars Poker Blog: Event 5 Archives
  • Congrats Glen!
  • Huh...

    Maybe Choron "life-tilted" someone

  • TT hand:

    1) can't put him on a set ever on that board
    2) i have a big draw versus any paired hand and equity to get my money in first
    3) i owed him one for busting one of my horses in ~30th ish in a 5k wsop NL event this year.

    1) priced in to call no matter what
  • thanks very much by the way guys
  • Congrats! Always love to see the board members win (as long as they're not taking MY money. lol)
  • Choron wrote: »
    TT hand:

    1) can't put him on a set ever on that board

    Hey Glen,

    First of all, congrats.

    When you say you can't ever put him on a set, is that strictly because of the board, or because of knowledge a to how he plays? If it's strictly because of the board, I'm wondering why that is? He's in the BB. Is it because you'd expect a reraise preflop, or maybe by his play on the flop?

    Just curious.

  • macbb wrote: »
    Hey Glen,

    First of all, congrats.

    When you say you can't ever put him on a set, is that strictly because of the board, or because of knowledge a to how he plays? If it's strictly because of the board, I'm wondering why that is? He's in the BB. Is it because you'd expect a reraise preflop, or maybe by his play on the flop?

    Just curious.


    Both the check raise on the flop and the call out of position in the BB with two tens against ME and my raising range in late position = he's not going to have pocket tens or pocket nines played that way versus me very often here.

    The play is kind of interesting because the obvious thing to do on that flop with a set would be to check raise but I didn't think he would so hence I was thinking i had more cards to improve my hand versus his than I actually had. But its all good I got lucky...

    He laid a sick beat on my horse when my horse had AA against his q9(q high flop check called turn 9 to make top 2 after getting 3 bet PF) sick...Ps he won a bracelet so let's not feel sorry for gunning4u
  • just watched the replay of the final table, ummmmmm, errrrrrrrr ya is all i can say, why was i not on that table, lol, i bet #1pen is your favourite opponent now after calling with q3 off.:)

    also loved jcardshark aka john little with 1.6 mill calling all in against the bigger stack:).

    but you seemed to tight on a couple of hands, but i am sure you had some kind of read on em.
  • maybe a stupid question Glen, but at these levels, do most of the players have pokertracker, etc. running when you are playing in a big online tournament? just wondered if you play more like live games (gut feel) as you might find it more of a distraction after now moving over to live tournaments.
  • I was in Cannes, France while playing this wcoop with a lot of famous poker players from Poker Battle. When I was down to 4 handed like 20 people came into my hotel room and my play deteriorated with the distractions which is very sad to me but its all good. I never should have trapped with two jacks against #1pen and I should have seen thru the check raise with 78 from DuckU. That is pretty much it. I never had any real hands at the final table(only 3 big ones and I was involved in big pots with them every time so I can't complain about the action just the lack of real premium hands where as guys like dorinvandy had them left and right.) Its pretty sick...

    No, I dont use pokertracker. Yes a lot of people have that stuff running during big tournaments. I play both live and online but am more of a feel player(I still know all the math i have to know). I don't find a program telling me the tendencies of my oponnents to be very fair for others since my brain can already do that( your's should too!)
  • Choron wrote: »
    No, I dont use pokertracker. Yes a lot of people have that stuff running during big tournaments. I play both live and online but am more of a feel player(I still know all the math i have to know). I don't find a program telling me the tendencies of my oponnents to be very fair for others since my brain can already do that( your's should too!)

    thanks for confirming that; I don't play much online but the couple times I have used pokertracker, I really found it didn't help my game. It more interfered with my decision making as I was making decisions based on the program stats and not my own gut feel. I think it would be more useful to analysis my own play (off-line) than to make decisions on the fly, live. Especially with the very seconds you have online to make a decision.

    Always wondered how the pros operated.
  • I don't use PT anymore myself, but since you don't really play too much online, I wouldn't use it as a hud actively until you have built up a database. Most of your figures would be skewed due to the minimal number of hands played.
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