Wi vs DVD Player

My DVD player finally died after 7 years. I'm thinking of getting a new DVD player on the weekend (any recommendations - no Blueray)? Also thinking about getting a Wi instead as I understand it plays DVDs. If I go the Wi option, will the sound/picture quality be comparable to most other dvd players under ($100)? I figure if I am going to spend $100 on the DVD player, for a little more, the Wi might be the way to go. What do you think is the best option? Cheers.


  • wii does not play dvds out of the box.

    from what i hear, there is a hack to enable dvd play, however...
  • DVD's are digital. How could the quality of one be better than another? get one that has divx for sure.

    Other options to consider: HDMI output
    1080p upscaling
    hard drive
  • If you don't have a HDTV, any DVD player sub 15 bucks will be fine.

    Also, dont get suckered in by the wiimote.. unless you really really really think you are going to love it, just buy a 360.
  • thanks, does a 360 play dvds? I just figured the Wii would play DVDs at this point. Don't really think I will need the hard drive or burner. Any brand recommendations?
  • At $29.99 at Walmart for a basic player, it is essentially a throwaway item. A divX player can be had for $40. HDMI output $50. 1080p upscaling $60-70. Brand makes no difference unless you have say a TV remote that can control only certain DVD players.
  • moose wrote: »
    At $29.99 at Walmart for a basic player, it is essentially a throwaway item. A divX player can be had for $40. HDMI output $50. 1080p upscaling $60-70. Brand makes no difference unless you have say a TV remote that can control only certain DVD players.

    ok, thanks. So if I have a HD tv, the 1080p is the way to go?
  • So if I have a HD tv,

    Depends on what your TV can display.. I believe the minimum to be considered an HDTV is 720p or 1080i.. but it could also just be 480p.. Don't bother shelling out the bucks for 1080p when you tv can't do it..

    1080p > 720p > 1080i > 480p > 480i (standard tv)
  • 1080p is hd-dvd or blue-ray .. overkill if you ask me
    normal dvd is 720p or i can't rememebr exactly.
  • InsaneGuy wrote: »
    1080p is hd-dvd or blue-ray .. overkill if you ask me
    normal dvd is 720p or i can't rememebr exactly.

    Regular DVD picture quality is 720x480

    HD formats include 720p = 1280 x 720 (16:9 format)
    or 1080i or 1080p = 1920x 1080 (16:9 format)

    Bell HD satellite signals are 720p
  • If you get a Wii, make sure to get it chipped (costs about $75) so that you can play burnt games. Most of the games for the Wii are fun for about an hour or two. Not many that you can really get into IMO. The benefit of this is that when you have guests that don't normally play video games they can play and be competitive since you'll always have a bunch of games that you might not have even played yet.
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