If you could pick three...

Hey all..

Here's one of those lame campfire conversation ones I thought may actually be interesting...

If you could name three people who have died before their time (or not I guess) that you would have had live longer, who would you pick and why.

And just to avoid too much touchy-feely posting, I was referring to "historical" figures, like musicians, social activists, movie stars, etc etc.



  • 1 - Heath Ledger...watch the latest Batman and you'll see a man taken WAY before he was supposed to...he could have been HUGE

    2 - Bob Marley...don't even know why, I'm not a huge fan, but I think he would have REALLY done the world a lot of good

    3 - JFK...actually, that might be a more scary thought than if he didn't die. I'm sure the Cuban missle crisis would have ACTUALLY taken place had he lived
  • Jesus - would have really messed up the AD and BC

    Buddy Holly - what a shitty way to go

    MLK - because he deserved it (i.e. to live a long life)
  • Steve McQueen - the King of Cool - Nominated for Oscar. Another 9 wins & 11 nominations

    John Wayne - The Duke - Won Oscar. Another 24 wins & 16 nominations - Holds the record for the actor with the most leading parts - 142. In all but 11 films he played the leading part. In his will were instructions that, because of his suffering from lung cancer, no film of him smoking should ever be shown again. Now that's an amazing legacy.

    John Cazale - only made 5 movies and all of them nominated for best picture

    Cancer took them all far before there careers were over. We never got to see what awesome films they could have made.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    2 - Bob Marley...don't even know why, I'm not a huge fan, but I think he would have REALLY done the world a lot of good

    considering the body of work he did before he died, can't imagine what he could have written in the last twenty five years.
  • Jim Morrison - I cant imagine The Doors catalogue with 10-15 more years of recording

    James Dean - Was a 1950's pimp - and only 24.

    Tupac - Not a huge rap fan but this guy changed the industry.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Jim Morrison - I cant imagine The Doors catalogue with 10-15 more years of recording.

    definitely thought of Mr. Mojo Risen, but I figured he didn't have much left in him once he moved on to Paris... btw, Jim is stilll alive and well!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    2 - Bob Marley...don't even know why, I'm not a huge fan, but I think he would have REALLY done the world a lot of good

    Definitely agree with that one. I was never a huge fan either until I went to his birthplace in Jamaica a few months ago. Truly sad that he is gone as he would have done a ton of good for the world. His main goal was to make the world a better place.

    Other ones you might be able to add.... Princess Diana, Mother Theresa (though she was getting pretty old), JFK, Tupac, Steve Irwin, Bob Barker, Chris Farley, Martin Luther King Jr., John Candy, plus many more. Here is a good collection:
    Deaths that shocked us -- Courant.com
  • Umm... Bob Barker`s still alive

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Umm... Bob Barker`s still alive


    I thought he was just a walking ghost when he did the price is right for the last 10 years... who knew ;)

    My bad.
  • From the "Hollywood" side of things, I would have to pick Montgomery Clift. He was a much better actor than James Dean, though not as hyped. Any actor who can hold the screen next to Burt Lancaster in his prime has got "IT" going on.

    From the music side, Bob Marley interests me FAR more than a bloated poet with average pipes. I can easily see Jamaican culture being very different today if Marley had lived. Not so much because of the music, but the philosophy behind it, as well.

    The final selection would be political, naturally. I'd have to go with Anwar Sadat, of Egypt. MLK loses because the Civil Rights movement actually benefited from his untimely death. Same with Gandhi in India. But Sadat's death put the nail in the coffin for the progress towards peace in the Middle East. If he had survived the assassination it would have been interesting to see how Egypt and Israel might have forged ahead. It would almost certainly have put an early end to what would eventually become Hamas, at least as we know it today.
  • Terry Fox- Would have been cool to see him finish his run.

    Stevie Ray Vaughan- Died way to early, he had much more music in him to write and record. Also Jimi Hendrix for the same reason.

    Jesus- The world wouldn't be so f****ed up if he had died in his bed at the age of 95.
  • Hrm...

    Wasn't Jesus's death all part of his plan of redemption? I mean, from the roman catholic mythos, his death saved us all, so if he had lived, we'd all be fooked?

  • DrTyore wrote: »

    Wasn't Jesus's death all part of his plan of redemption? I mean, from the roman catholic mythos, his death saved us all, so if he had lived, we'd all be fooked?


    I hope that mythos isn't really the word you're looking for.....maybe dogma (at the worst) or maybe religion...or faith/belief (blind or otherwise). We're not talking about Zeus's raison d'etre here. Just for the record I'm simply arguing semantics and not your point.
  • Meh...

    Mythos may be appropriate based on individual perspectives. "Hullabaloo" may also be applicable, as may "doctrine"

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