1/2 NL Game on August 30th-kitchener

looking to start up a game this wednesday night for all you poker addicts like me to get a weekday fix... if your interested let me know! have 4 for sures just look for a couple more to get a game going

$1.oo / $2.oo Blinds Min $50 Max $200


  • depends on the amount of players.... just bought a 1500 table so will be taken 10% up to 5 until thats paid off...

    Guy1: What the hell was that?

    Guy2: Oh that was just the game's legality flying away

  • DrTyore wrote: »

    Guy1: What the hell was that?

    Guy2: Oh that was just the game's legality flying away


    LOL mark. Poker is illegal? What was I thinking.
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    Guy1: What the hell was that?

    Guy2: Oh that was just the game's legality flying away


    Shouldn't this be in the joke thread in the OT Lounge?
  • no profit is being made... rake pays the table which i add you play on... the chips which you use... the cards which we use.. the chairs that were bought... if you dont have anything to contribute to the thread why reply? if we were running a multi table operation and using the rake to inflate our accounts then it would be highly illegal... all the players we play with have no problem as our reason merits the rake... to anyone else except this jail house goof wants to know serious details then let me know and we can always make room
  • Huh...

    I'm pretty sure I've expressed interest in this game in the other thread...


    Now that you've advertised a rake, it's become illegal, and the lovely officers do patrol these boards....

  • to anyone else except this jail house goof

    Mark may be a goof but he is also correct. This game is illegal whether you want to admit it or not.
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    I'm pretty sure I've expressed interest in this game in the other thread...


    not the same game
  • By "game" I guess I meant attending your establishment

    However, now that it's illegal, and been advertised, it makes things a bit wonky.

  • depends on the amount of players.... just bought a 1500 table so will be taken 10% up to 5 until thats paid off...

    Just to clarify - after you hit the magic $1500 number you will no longer rake the game?

    If that is the case I would repost here after the point when your game suddenly becomes legal.

    fwiw it doesnt matter why you take the money off the table in a legal sense. Paying off the table is no different than paying off the new Lexus required to shuttle players to and from their homes.
  • if anyone is seriously interested in tonight let me know please... we have 8 confirmed and have 2 more spots available...
  • I'm interested, PM me.

  • there's only 2 kinds of people i can't stand: those intolerant of other cultures and the french
  • looks like we starting at 730 tonight.. ill be checking the post until 645 so if interested let me know... arrive anytime and leave at anytime.. let me know
  • call 519-212-8127 if interested tonight.. game starting at 730... welcome anytime... playing until midnight-1am approximately
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