poker table for sale

Need to make room for a pool table so if anyone is interested $450.00 can take this take this table home. If I can"t sell it I might have a 10 man tourney with a $60 buck entry fee Winner gets the table, 2nd gets $100 and 3rd $50. Let me know if interested


  • unbelievable workmanship, who made that? :)
  • Size?

    Rough location?
  • It"s 4x8 and fits 10 comfortably, plywood construction build locally by one of our own "folded"
  • Sorry I don't know everyone here yet... by locally what city to you refer to as I don't see it listed in your profile? :)
  • I"m 10 minutes outside of guelph or kitchener in maryhill.
  • I've played on this table a few times and it is awesome. If I had room in my basement, I would buy it for sure.
  • Thanks, I'll do some measurements tonight and see if I can work it.
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    I've played on this table a few times and it is awesome. If I had room in my basement, I would buy it for sure.

    +1. It's a beauty.

    Shopsy let us know when the pool table is ready :D
  • I can't seem to make it work. I have a great room for poker but right now it has a bowflex in it. I don't have anyhwere else for the bowflex and I can't seem to get both to fit in the room.
  • no takers yet? i'd be interested in a $60 tourney
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    no takers yet? i'd be interested in a $60 tourney

    maybe at the end of the month
  • I like tourneys. Me win, sell table for $600 :)

  • you're pretty Mark...

    if the table is able to sell for $600 the tournament won't happen. Shopsy is a nice guy, but I doubt he's turning away reasonable offers to have you over to play for it. ;)
  • Disregard my message..I'm stupid..PM Sent

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