Sarnia (Point Edward) takes phone reservations

You can now call the Sarnia (Point Edward) casino poker room to get onto the waiting list before you head out. (This is new in the last year or so.) This is especially handy if you have a long drive to get there. There might be an "expiry time" (maybe 1 hour) but if you tell them you're coming from farther away they might hold your spot longer.

Even more important, is that people who phone in get top priority on the waiting list. I don't mean that they are put on top of the list, but rather, you are *not* rolled to the bottom of the list if you are not there. Here's an example:

Player A is in the casino on the waiting list.

Player B calls from home to get on the list.

Player C arrives at the casino and gets on the list.

Player D arrived at the casino and gets on the list.

Now, say player A is seated and another seat opens up. Player B has not arrived yet, so player C is seated. If Player B now arrives, he remains on the list *ahead* of player D.

[At most rooms, Player B would be rolled to the bottom of the waiting list in this case.]

The moral of the story is you should call ahead every time, even if you live in Sarnia.

Just call the casino (1-888-394-6244) and ask for (or press the button for, if you get the automated answering thingy) the Poker Room to get on the list.

As far as I know, the other Ontario casinos do not take phone reservations. Can anyone confirm this?



  • Scotty - What are the games like at Sarnia, I have only played at Brantford and Rama (5-10) and am thinking of taking a drive down the 402 to check it out?
  • The Sarnia 5-10 is pretty similar to the Brantford 5-10. If you're in Waterloo, Brantford is much closer-- Sarnia is about 2 hours away. So I doubt it's worth taking a trip there (instead of Brantford) just for the poker, but if you're around there for some other reason anyway it's probably worth checking out.

    Sarnia has 4 tables, and usually has at most one 10-20 table going, and the rest 5-10. They often have all 4 tables going evenings & weekends.

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