No, I haven't disappeared..


Just in case you guys wondered if I had dissapeared again....well no. Just had to cut down poker by 70%, missing most of my games. Won't go into details, hubby is getting operated on in early Sept for Cancer. You can imagine the rest. Has not been our year. LOL

I will make some of the later games in the league, when I can. Hope it won't be too long before I come back....if you all give a damn. lol



  • Welcome back.

    All the best on and off the tables.
  • Graham, you're hot sometimes. POTD
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Graham, you're hot sometimes. POTD


    BTW, welcome back Daisy! I think what Kristy is trying to say is she missed you so much that when she saw the thread she had to reply.
  • you know, I was just sitting here...and I found myself wondering..

    "where is Daisy_duke these days?"

  • Be strong, Thoughts are with you

    Milton Slim
  • Hey guys,

    Thanks for your comprehention. I appreciate that. Well here is a small update.

    Hubbys' op went just fine, long though.....almost 7 hrs. (Removed the bladder & prostate + re-routed his small intestine). Looks like he might be out by the end of this week or next. For now, I spend almost all my time in hospital with him. Today he gave me the day off. Whoooo hooooo!!!! Any good game tonight?

    Stay tune for the next installement of "The day in the life of Daisy".


    P.S.: Kristy, I'll try not to leave ya too long from now on. ;)
  • I'm glad the op went well, but I thought Daisy was only alive on re runs..... apparently NOT.
  • Good news Daisy... glad to hear it worked out alright!
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    I'm glad the op went well, but I thought Daisy was only alive on re runs..... apparently NOT.

    Hahahahahahhaha. You got it, sugar, ....A blast from the past!!!! Was looking for a table name some years back & couldn't find a good one. Since "The Dukes of Hazzard" is "Country" and I associate THAT with gambling, I said why not.
    The name stuck and I'm now known around the forums and sites under that name. Or anything "Dukes" related. Oh well.... it could be worst. I could have called my self fu**face or something. LOL (Some of those name sometimes...).

    Tks Graham !!


    Hubby is doing great!! They removed his I.V. today. Spent 5 days without eating OR drinking. Not even water!! 2 Days of ONLY drinking. Now today 1st day of food. Whoooo Hooooo !!!

    Stay tune for the next instalment. ;)

  • Howdy folks,

    Ready for another instalment of "A day in the life of Daisy Duke" ??

    Hubby is at home now. Got to re-learn how to live with a bag. Not bad so far....what a drag to maintain though. Got to disinfect the nightly bag every morning with vinegar & water. Empty the daily bag about 3 times a day. Plus I got to keep ahead of his moods (the hardest)... etc.

    Anyways, should be able to come in a little more often now to see what is going on.

    Until the next bit....

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