Do you use the chat to tilt your opponents?

If so, what are some of the funniest things you've said?

Yesterday this guy kept going on and on about how I sucked because I got lucky on one hand. At the end of the session yesterday I took him for a big hand (+$100).

Well, today when I logged in to FTP, guess who was playing... same guy. I think he remembered me b/c everytime I lost a hand he would congratulate my opponents. So, I typed into the chat: "My girlfriend told me to thank you for dinner last night... we really enjoyed it". I think this got under his skin because the next hand he raised big into me. I had JJKQ so I called. Flop was J53... I bet, he raised... I called. Next card was an 8. He bet I capped it, and he called with AAxx (no draws). I think I managed to put him on tilt and picked up another +$100 pot from him.

So, do you think its cheesy to do this? Anyone have any similar experiences? What's the funniest thing you've seen?

I think one of the funniest things I saw was on Good2cu took down a 200BB pot after some guy was berating him so he told him he was going to buy something really stupid with his money. So he bought a Mont Blanc pen worth about $2k.


  • To my best recollection, an oldie but a goodie:

    a friend of mine was HU in a Party MTT and just slightly the chip leader.

    His opponent: "do you want to chop?"
    He said: "Sure"

    Let's say the prizes were 15k for first and 8k for second..

    He sets the 1st as $14,999 and 2nd as $8,001 and when the guy says "WTF"

    he tells him "I don't need to chop because I'm going to win"

    and did.


    I don't think it is cheesy, it is a valid skill and part of the game.

    Anyone who doesn't know how powerful this tool can be has never played with Haddon :D
  • Talking people into chip spewage is GOLD. When we got back from Cuba last year, I made sure my daughter thanked one specific player at our home game for helping to pay for her dolphin day (swimming and riding with dolphins, etc.). Went on to pound on him for the next three weeks, in a way I have never been able to before that time. We play about evens now, but it was a lot of fun to watch him steam.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Talking people into chip spewage is GOLD. When we got back from Cuba last year, I made sure my daughter thanked one specific player at our home game for helping to pay for her dolphin day (swimming and riding with dolphins, etc.). Went on to pound on him for the next three weeks, in a way I have never been able to before that time. We play about evens now, but it was a lot of fun to watch him steam.

    Here's hoping you have pictures he hasn't seen yet...

    Bring them out next game and say "Oh do you remember when you helped pay for my daughters dolphin day, I thought since you contributed, I should show you the pix." and then do a slide show...

    I suspect he'll be tilty all over again :)
  • I try to put anyone that I can on tilt since it can be so lucrative.The thing that Ive found sets most off is waiting full time with the nuts on an all in and than saying "welll look at that I guess your hand wasn't as good as you thought it was"Than I always get the "what the hell did you wait so long for with the nuts" and that leads right into me saying "Because theres was already something on your face".LMAO I will never get sick of that.never had anyone who didnt try to get back at me.I had a guy follow me from table to table telling me what he thought of me for 3 hours after that.good times.Clint
  • zunni74 wrote: »
    Here's hoping you have pictures he hasn't seen yet...

    Bring them out next game and say "Oh do you remember when you helped pay for my daughters dolphin day, I thought since you contributed, I should show you the pix." and then do a slide show...

    I suspect he'll be tilty all over again :)

    Already done that, Pix of her "dolphin-kiss" and still of her riding two dolphins, as well as a video clip from my wife's camera that I took. Good for two more weeks of winning. lol

    I'll post the kiss pic in my profile album. Happy, Kristy?
  • That's actually where my name comes from here. At Poker Stars I constantly talk about how awesome I am in a humorous way the whole game. I don't say anything negative about anyone else at all yet somehow I can get half the table on tilt just dying to take me out.
  • That's actually where my name comes from here. At Poker Stars I constantly talk about how awesome I am in a humorous way the whole game. I don't say anything negative about anyone else at all yet somehow I can get half the table on tilt just dying to take me out.

    That is hilarious... I might have to try that one.
  • I used to...but I wound up getting myself distracted a lot of the time too. So, I have been playing with chat disabled for the last month and have been on a great run.

    I like to imagine all the things they are saying to me and how pissed they are getting because I don't answer :)
  • Three standard set ups for me are:

    "Psst... Dealer, I'll trade you my panties for aces..."

    followed by:

    bad hand-->"f@g" and later lots of chat about how one persons terrible play leads me to suspect their secret ambition to slow dance in the rain or snuggle by the fire with the dealer.

    good hand-->"Holy cats!!!! Good thing I remembered to wear them today"


    (when in BB and not having looked at cards yet with limpers)

    "Dear lord, please give me something with which to punish these filthy, filthy limpers"


    Playable hand= "Praise Jebus!!!!!" while throwing in chips (metered by the fistful)

    Bad hand= "God hates me, he never gives me anything worth playing"
    (and then always raise on the button that orbit)

    While Utg or BB

    "I'm feeling frisky...I'm going to try to work in a check-raise next hand...I'm just telling you now, cause I don't want you to be scared."
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