2008 Beijing Olympics- wtf is wrong with us?

BEAT- 3 days into the games and Canada is without a medal!!

wtf is up with that?

Also, 9 of Chinas FOURTEEN medals are GOLD!

EDIT: Graham can we get some gold paint? That LemonChiffon kinda sucks, but it's the closest thing to gold we have available!


  • It must just be the usual summer games lull. Before the games are almost over... thats when we usually set in and crush the competition.
  • Hard to do those gymanstic events with your skates on. And have you ever tried swimming with your bindings loose? Just sayin'
  • Because we don't offer big enough endorsement deals in Canada?

  • Well as host China gets an entry in every event. What exactly were we supposed to win a medal in so far? Trap shooting? We didn't qualify anyone in many of the events run so far. We used to get 5-8 medals everytime in boxing. This time we qualified one boxer and he lost in the first round. Olympic boxing is one of my favourites...:( Hopefully we get to see some waterpolo. Someday they will put team handball on, then I can die happy.
  • It's a combination of our cold climate, small population and tight gov't purse strings for atheletes. Oh, factor in Canada targetting 2010 Winter for a strong showing and pouring more resources there.. and ya.. this'll be a famine Summer 2008.
  • trampoline and doubles catamaran FTW.
  • money and population....oh and putting 5 year olds through training that the average 12 year old in canada would cry to their parents about (rightly so)
  • Well, we underfund the Ministry of Drugs and Cheating so what do you guys expect...
  • The rowing/paddling events are just starting - usually good for a few medals there. Otherwise, there hasn't been a dominate Canadian athlete/team in any summer sport leading into these Olympics, anyways. Just a downturn, in addition to all the factors previously mentioned.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Hard to do those gymanstic events with your skates on. And have you ever tried swimming with your bindings loose? Just sayin'


    nh sir.
  • lol at the Canadian chick that got hit with a roughing penalty in fencing. They are trying to hit each other with swords for crying out loud.
  • Stop wasting money on the Olympics and sending a ridiculous amount of athletes that really have no hope in hell and send the 10 to 20 that may have a shot. Then build some government poker halls with all the saved cash and then start sending poker players to major events around the world.
  • They are threatening to close 20 community pools in Toronto ...
  • They are threatening to close 20 community pools in Toronto ...

    [ ] shocked
    [ ] horrified
    [ ] concerned

    Threatening to close them unless... what? Canada wins a swimming medal?
  • Canada just won its first gold medal! Congratulations to wrestler Carol Huynh. We also won a silver medal in rowing.
  • I am going to reinterpret this thread as WTF is wrong with the U.S.?

    Can anyone explain why the dumbfuck Americans feel the need to convert events into Imperial feet and inches? The entire games are in Metric but if you watch the track events on NBC, many of the events they are converting the distances into feet and inches. WTF? Are Americans too stupid to understand distances in metres? Hey dummies - biggest number wins.
  • They should introduce an Aluminum medal for 4th place, we'd clean those puppies up.....but hey at least we're setting Canadian records every time we miss the bronze by a cm or so.

    We've always been better in the winter and I agree with Sandro, stop pissing away cash on those losers finishing 28th, 39th, or worse....send quality instead of quantity.
  • Big E wrote: »
    They should introduce an Aluminum medal for 4th place, we'd clean those puppies up

    Aluminum medal....like the top of a beer can?
  • When someone wins a first-ever gold for Canada, I'd say credit should be on the house that day.

    globeandmail.com: Lamaze wins equestrian gold
    TheStar.com - Beijing Olympics 2008

    "cheers: Good on Eric Lamaze. "cheers: I admit I'm not very likely to see jumping again anytime soon, but cheers for sure.
  • I'm just glad he didn't snort a line of coke off of it during the medal ceremony.
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