I would like to have a tournament to end all tournaments. One that would really determine the best overall player. I would say 'in KW' but I don't want people like AcidJoe and others who would travel to play in this in event picking on me. But basically something that would annually say, 'This person is one of the best'.

I am thinking of running a $50k HORSE tourney as similar to the $50k WSOP event as possible. WSOP blinds, $50k starting chips, 1 hour blinds - 2 day event for $50. Obviously it is not possible to match it exactly, anyone got $50,000 for a buyin?. But I will be using the WSOP blind schedule.

My plan is to run this sometime this fall and I would like to capture as many players as I can. I don't want to host it when say 5 people who would play, can't make it. Of course I don't want to run this if I can only get 6 people who want to play and a bunch of maybe's that cancel out on me. I'm not picking on the maybe's, I'd rather have someone preregister and then cancel than not express interest at all.

So anyways I want to take my time and plan this as much as possible and get people really excited and make this a great event.

My plan so far is:
Friday - 7pm-12am, run through one rotation of HORSE with one hour blinds.
Saturday - 10am-whenever, run as long as it takes to determine a champion.

*Edit: some new choices already. In 2007 the game changed every 30min, so we could actually do 2 complete rotations on Fri. night. In 2008 the game changed every 8 hands. I guess I'll need another poll on that. We would have to work out the details on how to keep track acurately the # of hands if we use 2008.

Links to the possible blind structures are below.

Maybe some blind guys, Zithal and g2 etc could post comments on whether than is possible or if it would take too long, say based on two tables of 8*. I'd rather wrap up in two days but I will see what the comments are. I can always adjust it to one day, but for sure I would have to cut the blinds which sucks the life out of the format, but I am open. Or even extend this to a 3 day tournament if the specialists think it will take way too long. I want to find the best player not the best marathoner.

Anyways I will take any and all comments. Once most details are set then I will start looking for a w/e to run this. My time is not fully open but obviously I will try and accommodate all interested parties schedules - that will be a separate poll but if there are any bad weekend that you know of let me know. Right now, Oct 17-27 is definitely out.

*That is just a guess. I could probably do as many as 5 tables but I am just being realistic.


  • I think 2 days might be a little long, especially if some people are coming from out of th Kitchener area (though I think you kinda hinted you wouldn't want that). Its definitely a cool idea though.
  • I would also like to add that I really would like to hear from all the lurkers out there. The ones we rarely see anymore and don't post but I still have a feeling are out there still. WPTSteve, QTJen, Metro etc. I want to bring as many people back out for this as possible. Even if you are a regular and can contact some of these people and say hey 'what about this - go to the forum and check it out'. If you have an email or a phone number or whatever. Even guys like graham and Watts and Blondefish and all_aces, all the rocks (even g2) and magithighs/BBC and moose/13cards. All the great players and all the guys who have disappeared. I want them to be aware of this thread and get people excited and interested.
  • moose wrote: »
    Maybe some blind guys, Zithal and g2 etc could post comments on whether than is possible or if it would take too long, say based on two tables of 8.
    Added this to my to-do list.

  • Graham wrote: »
    (though I think you kinda hinted you wouldn't want that).
    Yeah, I hope to not have to cut this down length wise but I definitely invite people from all over to come.
  • Any weekend (so far) Sept/Oct is fine with me except Sept 19/20.
  • Graham wrote: »
    I think 2 days might be a little long, especially if some people are coming from out of th Kitchener area (though I think you kinda hinted you wouldn't want that). Its definitely a cool idea though.
    I would be making a weekend of this travelling from my soon-to-be home of Ottawa so I wouldn't be interested unless it is 2 days long :)

  • Graham wrote: »
    I think 2 days might be a little long, especially if some people are coming from out of th Kitchener area (though I think you kinda hinted you wouldn't want that). Its definitely a cool idea though.

    Sleeping bags in moose's basement :D
  • Colour me in for interested.. I assume there would be people willing to put some of us out of towners up for a night?
  • I was just about to suggest.. hell, there's gotta be enough townies (and aroundies) to put people up...

    I live in Guelph, and could car-pool / put a couple people up for the night... 30min drive

  • I will definitely be in for this as I will be in the K-W at the time.
  • WOOT! Hoping the actual dates work for me, cuz this is a dream tourney!!!
  • As much as I am interested, it may be difficult for me to commit to two days.

    I would think that starting at 10am (or even sooner) and running until the end would be adequate for a 2-3 table tournament with an excellent structure.

    The thing I've found with Horse tourneys is that the blinds are too low at the start to really matter, decent for a few levels, and then too high very quickly. I don't play limit tourneys so maybe this is the case for all of them. I am looking forward to seeing the structure.
  • Quimby wrote: »
    The thing I've found with Horse tourneys is that the blinds are too low at the start to really matter, decent for a few levels, and then too high very quickly. I don't play limit tourneys so maybe this is the case for all of them. I am looking forward to seeing the structure.

    It's interesting you say that, because I believe a lot of the pros complained about exactly that kind of structure for the 50k HORSE tournament from two years ago. I believe they tried to improve it for this year, and I think the pros were a lot happier, so the WSOP schedule should be good.

    World Series of Poker - Official Tournament Coverage and Results

    At the bottom of the page it says that they had 90 minute levels, and the game changed every 8 hands. It might be tough to keep track of without a designated dealer, but I think it's a good system to use if possible (aside from the 90 minute levels).
  • moose wrote: »
    I would like to have a tournament to end all tournaments. One that would really determine the best overall player.

    I think this tournament sounds awesome, and I'm really looking forward to it.

    I'm sure that Mario and I could put someone up.

    One thing though...I don't think that you can really assign the title 'The best overall player' without NLHE
  • Sounds like a great idea and you could probably get alot of people coming from out of town. I am interested depending on the situation.

    - Obv. one long day > two days (my preference)
    - If it is 2 days - a 7pm start might be pushing it for 9/5ers in the GTA.

    Will let you know closer to the time as you finalize/figure it out.
  • peteski wrote: »
    At the bottom of the page it says that they had 90 minute levels, and the game changed every 8 hands. It might be tough to keep track of without a designated dealer, but I think it's a good system to use if possible (aside from the 90 minute levels).

    Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't realize they had changed the structure so much for 2008. This is exactly the kind of input I want.

    WSOP 2008

    World Series of Poker - Official Tournament Coverage and Results

    WSOP 2007

    World Series of Poker - Official Tournament Coverage and Results

    Ok I'm open to 2008 Blinds and every 8 hands. My original idea was more like the 2007 schedule I guess. Anyone have any links to info about if this setup was preferred over 2007. Also suggestions on how to track. I'm thinking maybe 2 buttons, one fixed and one moving. So if the table is 7 handed then on every orbit of the moving button, we move the fixed button forward one person, do an orbit with the moving button, move the fixed button one person and repeat. 8 handed obv would be much easier.

    Just at a quick glance the 2008 structure is much more generous. In 2008 it takes 13.5 hours to take out the 100 chips and in 2007 only 10 hours.
  • Very interested*. If it gets enough interest there isn't much that could keep me from it.


    *wanting to claim the official title of best amature player in KW
  • moose wrote: »

    Ok I'm open to 2008 Blinds and every 8 hands. My original idea was more like the 2007 schedule I guess. Anyone have any links to info about if this setup was preferred over 2007. Also suggestions on how to track. I'm thinking maybe 2 buttons, one fixed and one moving. So if the table is 7 handed then on every orbit of the moving button, we move the fixed button forward one person, do an orbit with the moving button, move the fixed button one person and repeat. 8 handed obv would be much easier.

    Each table could have eight post-it notes or whatever with the numbers one to eight on them. After each hand the top note would be moved to the bottom of the pile, with the new one on top indicating what number hand of that game it is. Once it gets back to one, obiously you change games. Of course, this means one person must be in charge of this at each table. It might be too complicated, but I do like the format.
  • BTW Moose,

    If you want to get as close to the $50K event as possible, then note that they started with 100K in chips, not 50K (all the world series events started with 2x the buyin in chips)

    I love the idea though. Consider me in if it is not on a weekend that I am running a tournament.

    I am also up for putting up at least one person if need be.
  • peteski wrote: »
    Each table could have eight post-it notes or whatever with the numbers one to eight on them. After each hand the top note would be moved to the bottom of the pile, with the new one on top indicating what number hand of that game it is. Once it gets back to one, obiously you change games. Of course, this means one person must be in charge of this at each table. It might be too complicated, but I do like the format.

    *am pretty sure they were doing that at the WSOP HORSE*
  • DataMn wrote: »
    BTW Moose,

    If you want to get as close to the $50K event as possible, then note that they started with 100K in chips, not 50K (all the world series events started with 2x the buyin in chips)

    I know that but I'm still worried about finishing this in a reasonable period of time.

    The final table this year lasted 13 hours. If we do the 8 hand rotation then I am thinking three 90 min levels Fri night to accommodate for working out the kinks etc and then making a decision that night whether to continue with 90 min levels or reduce it to 60 min levels. Obviously it will depend heavily on the number of entrants.
  • As much as it would kill me to commit to 2 days if I can be there I will be there. Unfortunately work lately has taken a lot of my time. I am willing to sleep on floors if necessary. I will bring my own sleeping bag mind you.
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