Anyone having trouble getting into Hotmail?

I can't access hotmail. I assume my password has been compromised but I wonder if it is an issue with anyone else since their web support page is down.

I assume my password was hacked since I can't access most of my poker accounts as well and they were all linked to my hotmail.

Any assistance/info on what to do is appreciated. Basically right now I am screwed. I don't know if it was a key logger or what.


  • Can anyone access hotmail support?

    from the page can someone click on help and tell me if they can access that page?

    edit: sorry - I can access help, but within help if I select What do I do if I think someones is using my Windows Live ID?

    within that page there is a link for "Report to Microsoft"

    I can't access that page.

    this should be the link

    So anyways, I've definitely been hacked. Not sure if they got into my hotmail account first but they got into most of my poker accounts and moneybookers and click2pay within a few hours. I have scanned my computer for keyloggers and such with AVG and nothing. I froze everything I could think of and cancelled two credit cards. moneybookers doesn't open until 4 am but two sites have confirmed withdrawals back to MB.

    Any advice would be great and if someone could try to access the help as outlined above, I would appreciate it.
  • Well I finally got through to some useless forms for hotmail to beg them to reset the password. Moneybookers opens in an hour. Sigh.
  • If some internet security guru could pm me I would appreciate it. Compuease maybe that's you, I don't know.
  • Can't access hotmail at work moose....I'm of no help. (and I know nothing about computers either.)
  • Still no access to my hotmail so if anyone has me on msn and they see me log in, could they please note the times and post here because it is not me. Especially click2pay because I have not used that site for months. Maybe try and start an innocent conversation with them and reverse phish them. Unlikely they will respond, but worth a try.

    I would recommend everyone change their passwords because I am still unsure how they got into all my accounts so fast. Also wierd that they attacked my gmail because essentially I don't use that account really for anything except my google map and to store pictures on picasa.
  • So all your accounts has been compromised? Damn!

    I have been keeping an eye on msn for you but nothing yet.
  • Yeah maybe edit the title to something like

    Warning - change your passwords

    or something.
  • Awful news. Just reading it makes me sick to my stomach.

    Password changed.

    Best of luck avoiding any big problems moose.
  • I don't understand how your password for hotmail has influenced your pokersites?

  • I don't know how they got access to all my accounts either but since I opened all the poker accounts with my hotmail account I have had extreme difficulties. Mostly because I am forced to contact them from another account then they say they will only communicate with my hotmail account, to which I say I don't have access to that either and around we go in circles. Hitting the email first is definitely the key to slowing you down.

    They sucked $6k out of one account into click2pay. Unsure if click2pay was able to stop it going out yet. click2pay said something like 3x$2500 transactions against a credit card but none of my credit cards were hit but I can't log in so I am unsure what has gone out and against what accounts.

    They also hit two other accounts. One sent all my money to moneybookers but I froze MB before they could get it. Also strange they never actually touched the money I had on account already at MB. I managed to stop the transfer to MB at the other site but they did attempt to empty me. Thank god they were slow in processing it.

    I'll never complain again about how long a cash out takes. Right now, a week at least sounds good.

    They hit one more account but for some reason hadn't attempted any withdrawals before I froze that account too. The ability to open a live chat window is a definite plus at any pokersite now in my books. Those were the accounts I was able to freeze the fastest.

    Strange they never attempted to play any of the cash, just straight withdrawals back to MB and C2P.

    Like I said, strange they managed to get moneybookers AND click2pay and my poker accounts and hotmail and gmail. I'm at a loss how that happened.

    Nothing else seems to have been touched but I froze all my poker accounts, all my real accounts, and cancelled some credit cards just to be safe.

    Essentially I am glad the tourney on Sat is a) only $10 and b) at my house because right now I have no cash and no credit cards and no gas.

    Next stop back to click2pay to see if they will give me access to find out the final dirty details, then if they got anything off to the police. Everything to do with MB was either stopped at site or frozen at MB so fortunately they got nothing that way. But the big charges are all at C2P, which is now frozen but I don't know what they got and against what accounts. Possibly one poker account and one CC.

    Also thank god I was smart enough to connect a lot of email notifications from hotmail that popped up around 6pm yesterday, which was essentially notifications of all the hits against me and me not being able to log in around 11pm. I quickly froze everything I could and then waited until 4am for moneybookers to open and called them. You can't email them unless it is through your account which of course the thieves locked me out of. Great system.
  • moose wrote: »
    They sucked $6k out of one account into click2pay. Unsure if click2pay was able to stop it going out yet. click2pay said something like 3x$2500 transactions against a credit card but none of my credit cards were hit but I can't log in so I am unsure what has gone out and against what accounts.

    They may be hitting other credit cards and not yours via click2pay
    I'll never complain again about how long a cash out takes. Right now, a week at least sounds good.

    Sounding good to me too
    Strange they never attempted to play any of the cash, just straight withdrawals back to MB and C2P.

    Not very bright of them

    Like I said, strange they managed to get moneybookers AND click2pay and my poker accounts and hotmail and gmail. I'm at a loss how that happened.

    Think about any computers that you used to connect to any of those accounts. One of them may be the culprit.

    Also check to see if your router was compromised.
    (I can stop by tonight and check it if you want)
  • Agreed. To me it sounds like you might have been keylogged. It's like a virus, but records all your keystrokes and sends that information off to the hacker.

    At this point, the safe thing to do is to assume every site you've logged in with a password has been comprised. (esp online banking)

    Run a virus scan (or, much safer) reformat your computer. Go though after and change all your passwords to everything that matters.

    Good luck, moose! This is not fun.

    I'm giving the Heads-up tournament a one week grace, to help you out a bit.
  • meh I play my game Sat.

    $7500 gone gone gone

    Everything locked up. Hopefully that's the end of it.

    Somewhat humourous story now associated with this. Ok so now that I know money has been stolen we call the cops so at least it is reported should I have any other issues. So the dispatch says, we'll send someone right over. Well the cop arrived within 5 minutes. Yeah internet crime, that's a major issue. At the least The Awesome was safe to drive around w/o hassle in Cambridge for a few extra minutes today.

    So anyways, now I've got to explain to the cop all about my internet gambling when I realize that my poker table is all set up in the living room ready to go for Sat. Ok this doesn't really look good. So MrsMoose and I are mad scrambling to figure out some way of hiding this table with the cop sitting outside the house in his squad car, about to knock any minute. No possible way not to notice this huge table from the front door. So we are racing around like mad and finally get it up on end and shove it into the mud room and close the door just as he rings the door bell.
  • moose wrote: »
    If some internet security guru could pm me I would appreciate it. Compuease maybe that's you, I don't know.
    Sorry Moose, I'm just getting on for the 1st time today and seeing this... I would have been glad to help you but looks like I'm a little late... Whomever suggested reformatting and reloading is probably correct. Assuming it's some sort of spyware/keylogger sometimes that's the only solution as even if you manage to clean it off there may be enough remnants that it may get re-installed, so wipe clean and start over. Then you safe for sure. Have heard of people getting their hotmail accounts hacked before although I'm never sure. I would never use hotmail for anything important. You aren't just using this as an attempt to keep mmoose from finding out about the fact you spent it on hookers and blow are you? :)

    Seriously though, make sure all your account passwords are changed and spend the time to change your contact info for all poker sites to be something other than a hotmail account. I believe that gmail is the safest other than a pop email account.
  • I so fucking hate Microsoft and their mutherfucking useless customer support. 5 days and I still don't have access and/or a lock on my hotmail account. Every other site had me back in within 24 hours.

    I finally think I am getting somewhere after filling in yet another one of their useless fucking forms when I get this email:

    Hello Robert,

    Thank you for your message to MSN and Windows Live Privacy.

    I understand that you believe someone has hacked your Hotmail account.

    For assistance with this issue, please contact the MSN Support staff using the form at:

    Please submit your inquiry at this Web site and a support agent will contact you promptly with assistance.

    So I fill in yet another fucking form.

    Today I get this fucking bs, AFTER filling EXACTLY the fucking form that they told me to:

    Hello Robert,

    Thank you for your message to MSN and Windows Live Privacy.

    I appreciate you for taking time and writing back to us.

    Unfortunately, I am unable to assist you with your support request as it does not relate to Privacy.

    Support contact for MSN and Windows Live products and services can be found at: for MSN products for Windows Live products

    Please resubmit your inquiry at this Web site and a support agent will contact you promptly with assistance.

    Yet another day wasted and yet ANOTHER FUCKING FORM TO FILL IN. ARE THEY FUCKING RETARDED??????????????????????????//
  • Got a response today from Hotmail from my last 'form'. Shocker: the fuckers asked me to fill in another 'form'. I'm up to the 'Account Validation Form' now. Another day goes by...
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