Rake free game in mississauga

Good Day All,

Im trying to put a game togeter(satellite) to 1240 stepQ at fallsview, or you can keep the money if you dont want to play at fallsview.

Buy-in 200
Starting stack=10000
first 2 levels 20 minutes
15 minutes after the 2nd level.
time starts at 8:30 to 9pm
top prize have to be 1250 to cover step Q, remaining cash let everyone make that decision

no real rule, please dont bring any alcohole,
pop and snacks are ok.

max 10 players.

1. Yama (host)


  • tonight?
  • tomorrow works; Greg, you playing the OPP lottery tomorrow?
  • ops sorry guys, hahaha,

    Im hoping for first week or second week of august. (Wednesday night)

    Aug 6 or 13. thanks.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    you playing the OPP lottery tomorrow?
    likely not.

    unless i hear of a good home game, i may end up going to fallsview. hopefully it will be like a scary movie with a happy ending.
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    with a happy ending
    How much does she rake for your "happy ending"? >:D
  • August 13 could work for me...keep me posted, and if a game is likely, I'll try to commit.
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