Mini-retro report; "Jour de Poker 2"

In honour of Mike's win, I present the Results report for "Jour de Poker 2" from November '04. The blurb I wrote for Mike made me laugh, and this is also the tournament with the infamous "Pringles Can", and represents one of the very few chops that we've seen at my place. :)

First, thanks to everyone for a really fun day of poker. Nine no-shows put a small damper on the beginning of the tournament, but that was quickly overcome once the cards hit the table.

The lesson I've learned from this one is that it is possible to plan something too far in advance. On the plus side, we immediately dropped to 3 tables which left one table open and ready for the side games which soon started up.

The order of elimination was as follows...

23rd - 4:17pm - "Professor" Dave
22nd - 4:24pm - "Bluffy" Jeff B.
21st - 4:37pm - "Ercules" Eric R.
20th - 4:55pm - "Redington" Tyson
19th - 4:58pm - "Jester" Clint O.
18th - 5:35pm - "PeterWin" Peter
17th - 5:37pm - "Princess" Lisa H.
16th - 6:57pm - "The packy" Mark
15th - 7:00pm - "friend of pokerpimp2" Rick
14th - 7:08pm - "Dirty Whore" Mark B.
13th - 7:13pm - "Slippery" Pete A.
12th - 7:21pm - "Shopsy" Jeff
11th - 7:28pm - "Dumb Fluck" Adam S.
10th - 7:37pm - "castor" Adam a.k.a. "The Pringles Can"
9th - 7:48pm - "Pinhead" Brad

FINAL TABLE (starting chip count at final table)

8th - 8:05pm - "pokerpimp" John (21,800 chips)

In his first tournament at Bristol St., John made it to the final table, not content to simply limp into the money. He made a move and it didn't hold up. Good to see the pokerpimp crew out at Bristol St.!

7th - 8:50pm - "All-In" Steve S. (28,200 chips)

The defending champion of Jour de Poker lost most of his chips in a semi bluff against "stpboy". Steve had an incredible run at the beginning of the day to build up his stack then used it agressively and well throughout the rest of the tournament. Mr. "All-In" has vowed to be back at the final table soon.

6th - 9:08pm - "Iron" Richard (21,150)

One of the more solild players, Iron used selective starting hands to propel himself to the final table. Sadly bursting on the bubble, "Iron" had a great time and can't wait for the next event.

5th - 9:32pm - "Zithal" Rob L. (10,900) $46

The tournament found himself at a 3K stack at one point doubling up two hands in a row to make a comeback. The first double-up was a bad beat as he moved all-in with A6d, only to run into KK. An A on the river put him back in the game.

4th - 10:00pm - "Siswanto" Mike S. (68,200) $92

The chip leader at the final table, his luck completely dried up. That and the fact that people "kept raising my big blind" kept Siswanto from a higher postion.

3rd - 10:23pm - "The Incredible Hulk" Dave B. (46,100) $138

Like "Zithal", "The Hulk" found himself to under 10k in chips very late in the tournament. Two double ups just before the final table formed propelled him into a nice sized stack and third place money. A regular at the Bristol St. Casino, this was Dave's first "In the money" finish!

2nd - 10:46pm - "stpboy" Shannon (22,000) $300

Once we were down to two players, stp couldn't finish SirWatts off. Twice he had him covered all-in and both times SirWatts found a way back. Finally, with both stacks roughly equal, both players agreed to a split of $300 with $44 and the title of Champion to be played out. "stpboy" has come off a fresh 33rd place finish at the Brantford Tournament and his winning ways continue at Bristol St.

1st - 10:46pm - "SirWatts" Mike (17,000) $344

Finishing on the bubble in JdP Event #1 and winning his way in at the second satellite tournament, SirWatts played a great tournament earning his first place finish and title of Jour de Poker 2 Champion, representing the largest win to date of this young future pro. Congrats on a well-played tournament!

It was a grueling day of poker and I just want to thank everyone that was able to make it out. See you at Jour de Poker 3!


  • Checking a couple other threads around that time and found some banter about the tournament. Ah the memories....

    I waited (impatiently), I was pumped (totally), had an affair with the pizza, and I won...some money (came in 2nd).

    Congrats Sirwatts on a great battle and all that made the final table. I'm off to the mall to spend my $300, ohhh yeahhhh (ala Quagmire). Zithal, great tourny as usual!

    I was happy with the final result as I had been layed a few tough beats early and late in the tourny. First, Zithal down to about 3K in chips, goes all in UTG. I have about 8k and call with KK. He hits a runner runner two pair with his Ad 6d. I didn't really let it bother me.

    Later in the tournament...3 handed, I'm the big stack. I limp in from the button with A2 trying to set a trap....thinking any ace is good. Small calls (sirwatts) and BB raises all in for another 30K (1/4 of my stack). I listen to him count it down and call. He has 47 offsuit and hits a 7. I eventually eliminated this guy when he raised with K6 off and I raised him all in with tens. He called and finished in 3rd. Sirwatts and I split $600 and played for the remaining $45. My Q10 was no match for his JJ when heads up, well played Sir.

    Congrats stpboy, on your high finish in such a prestigous event. :smilie:

    Thanks Shannon and well-played. Sadly this ranks as my biggest win in my young poker career but hopefully it's just the beginning. The part I found interesting was that you started the tournament 2 seats to my right and then got moved to one seat to my right early on. After that you pretty much spent the rest of the tournament there. When Rob put that beat on you I remember thinking 'Yes! Maybe we'll be able to get rid of this guy soon.' but unfortunately I had to put up with you the rest of the day :D I'll describe the one hand I thought was key for me.

    At the final table I'm one of the short stacks with about 14k, blinds 800/1600 (I think). We're still one or two players short of the money for top 5. Folded to me on the button I find A3 and bet 4k to pick up the blinds. Towering stack, the other Mike, calls in SB, and BB folds. The flop comes 8-5-2, and big stack (SB) fires out 4k. He has been bullying the table and defending with a lot of hands, and I know he probably thinks I was on a steal and that the flop likely missed me. I don't want to bubble, but everything screams he's trying to push me off the pot. After a very long think I decide I have at least 7 outs and there is a good chance I'm ahead, so I push in for 6k more. He calls instantly so I think I'm dead but he shows just J9 and I double up. This was the first time I've been able to make such a strong play against a big stack who I think is bullying me, as opposed to my usual "go broke while waiting for a monster hand to trap him with."

    Thanks again to Rob for running/organizing a great tournament as usual, too bad there were so many no shows, but still a great day.

    I distinctly remember that hand and remember thinking what a great call it was. You went into the tank for a bit and eventually called. I had A3 off that hand also and folded it in EP. Congrats on your first big win, i'm sure you'll have more, you're a very good player.

    ....And just four years later we get this chart....

    Biggest win ever (Nov '04) : $344.00
    Biggest win ever (Jul '08) : $1,673,770.00
  • Great post! I remember it like it was yesterday :)

  • Haha that's a fun one to think back on!
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