Game 7 Signup OPEN

I will NOT break my own record...I will NOT break my own record...I will NOT break my own record...

but any of you are welcome to it! ;)

Game 7 is now open for seating. Steve has regained the lead going into the second half of the season, but the question is can he hold onto it? Garry is literally just a few points behind him, while I'm in position to overtake both of them as well, despite my miserable performance last week. And the way Romer played last week, I'll bet he can taste it too.

1 - AJ
2 - Romer
3 - Derek
4 - Darryl
5 - Max
6 - Kris
7 - Garry
8 - Steve
9 - Anthony
10 - Rob
11 - Micheal
12 - Joe
13 - Mike


  • in....
  • in !!!!!!!!
  • Still lots of seats left for the game. Romer is bringing his own cheering crowd too by the looks of it. OH well, they'll console him on the way home after he busts out early ;)
  • count me in as well AJ
  • You're in Micheal.

    Romer, have you heard from Dave yet as confirmed or not? Difference between one or two tables.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Still lots of seats left for the game. Romer is bringing his own cheering crowd too by the looks of it. OH well, they'll console him on the way home after he busts out early ;) your dreams CHUMP! LOL!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    You're in Micheal.

    Romer, have you heard from Dave yet as confirmed or not? Difference between one or two tables.

    AJ....take Dave out....can't reach him.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    You're in Micheal.

    Romer, have you heard from Dave yet as confirmed or not? Difference between one or two tables.

    With 11 is it 5&6 or 11-handed?
  • probably 11 handed on the big red table
  • 11 on the red cash table

    much rather have MORE players sign up though...much more fun
  • Make it 12, AJ. I'm in. To keep it simple, who do I give my buy-in to this week?
  • Great to hear from you Anthony. Two tables...still lots of seating left too for the stragglers.
  • Im in this week
  • Pupp3t wrote: »
    Im in this week can go for the new record if you want. ;)
  • MILO takes down his first Ching Hill game tonight, his A10s vs Steve's AKs. Ace on the flop, brick on the turn, but 10 on the river gives Milo 2pr for the win. Nice game guys. Alot of chips kept changing hands all night, and it was going to be who could get lucky the most I think. Steve improves his cashes yet again, and I'm sure the point spread will be more to his liking.

    Kris was third, Garry was bubble, and tonight's Chump was Rob.

    Good game all.

    Okay can shave now ;)
  • Congrats Milo, great win indeed!

    Steve, another money finish?!?! Wow, ur on your game bud!

    Kris finished third?!?! wtf?!?! ??? I thought you were getting the same crappy hands as I was dude? What's the deal here, did u exchange seats with Garry or something?!?! icon12.gif Garry must've run in to your 23o turned boat by the river or something!icon12.gif

    Darryl, I figured you'd be in this mix as well. U were playing solid last night! What happened?!?!

    See y'all next week
  • MCflip73 wrote: »
    Darryl, I figured you'd be in this mix as well. U were playing solid last night! What happened?!?!

    Doubled Kris up to get short in some SB vs. BB battle.

    Lost flip to Garry to go home.

    Congrats Milo. I dealz the beatz. You really should have wrapped it up with the KK vs. JJ hand anyway - so it all worked out.
  • CHECK !!!

    Thanks for the compliments folks. It was a very enjoyable night as always, made moreso by winning. I'd like to say it was all skill, but there are too many of you here who were there to see it go down. Twas an eventful night though, with my chipstack going through vertigo inducing swings due to the following pleasantries:
    Aces cracked, Kings broken, a dominant Ace brought down hard, and a nice suck-out to take it down. A regular Ching Hill buffet. My thanks to Garry for being a "disciplined" player, and letting this donkey abuse his blinds unmercifully. And thanks as well to Kris for never picking up a hand when we were the blinds. I had a ball, and cannot wait to do it again. Thanks, as always, to our host for staying up past his bedtime so we could finish up.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Thanks, as always, to our host for staying up past his bedtime so we could finish up.

    Bedtime is a variable. It's the damn alarm clock that's a constant thorn in my side!!!

    Good game Milo. Now, for the love of God...shave off that excuse for a beard!
  • To AJ (and moose), should I bring your Copag set tonight to Brampton? I don't have your phone number.
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    To AJ (and moose), should I bring your Copag set tonight to Brampton? I don't have your phone number.

    One of the league players might be there tonight, he wasn't sure last night when I spoke to him, but I asked him to find you and pick them up for me. Darryl knows you.
  • Sorry AJ

    Not gonna be going out tonight to pick these up....
  • Congrats Milo you played well stealing blinds and picking up hands.

    But as in true ching hill fashion suckouts were king.

    Congrats again and see you all next week
  • Congrats Milo! When you bring snacks next week, don't forget the Dutch Vodka.
  • The leader board is now updated.

    STEVE 316.86
    GARRY 290.04
    KRIS 217.6
    A.J. 206.62
    ANTHONY 205.04
    DAN 130.11
    DEREK 119.45
    ALLEN 107.44
    ROMER 104.57
    DARRYL 103.3
    MIKE 71.91
    MICHEAL 70.59
    JUSTIN 50.42
    AMANDA 39.74
    WYNDAM 39.38
    BROCK 37.49
    JOE 35.27
    NIB 34.96
    MAX 32.39
    AARON 30.43
    JEFF 28.07
    GREG 17.65
    DAVE 15.85
    IGOR 14.05
    ROB 13
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