Bristol St. presents... The 2008 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)

NOTE: Please read the whole post carefully as there have been a few changes since last year. ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT is the section on signing up, paying your entry, Timeline expectations, and modified stacks!

The summer is in full swing and the Summer Shoot-out is winding down. This means it's time to crown a Heads-Up Champion!!
The Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino presents...

No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament Heads-up Double Elimination Tournament
Starts: July 21st (assuming we get 32 players by then)

$30 Buy-in - Double elimination

$$$ Pay-out (assumes 32 players)$$$
1st place - 45% ( $432 )
2nd place - 25% ( $240 )
3rd place - 15% ( $144 )
4th place - 10% ( $96 )
5th place - 5% ( $40 )

The Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship is a double elimination tournament. (ie. you are knocked out of the tournament once you've recieved your second loss, which means it's possible to lose your first match and still win the tournament)

All bracket information will be kept at Bristol Street as well as online. The matches will not be played all at once. When you have a match, it's the responsibility of the two players involved to arrange a time to get together and play according to the rules listed below. The players are free to use Bristol Street as a neutral location to play their matches. Match results are to be sent to the tournament director once complete.

If a match is played outside of Bristol Street the players take the risk that no Tournament Director will be on hand to resolve disputes. Matches which involve Top 8 finishes are strongly recommended to be played at Bristol Street. Matches that involve a Top 4 finish are required to be played here.

As a reminder, all events at Bristol Street are rake-free!!!


If you played in last year's event and your contact information has not changed, simply post below!

If you did not sign up last year, or your contact info has changed, you must sign up here then PM me your contact information (email address and phone number) If you're not sure, play it safe and PM it to me. You will not be put on the list until I have your contact info.

Please also warn me of any vacations you may be going on.

Paying your Entry

If you play your match at Bristol Street, you pay me.

If you play your match elsewhere, the winner of the match collects the money, and this pattern continues until they get the cash to me.

Match Format

Each match will have the same format with each player starting with 10,000 chips. The suggested distribution is 12 x (green-25), 12 x (black-100), 7 x (purple-500), 5 x (yellow-1000). If a different combination of colour and/or distribution is used, both players need to be made aware of this.

Blinds levels are 20 minutes long and breaks are taken on an as-needed basis. The blind schedule is; 25-50, 50-100, 75-150, 100-200, 150-300, 200-400, 300-600(capped) I'm anticipating matches to last roughly 1.5 hours (though, of course, could be as short as one hand)

Player of the Year Points

This tournament will be played for PoY points. The Champion will also win a seat into the Bristol Street 2008 GRAND FINAL to be played in December. Points earned will depend on finish and are as follows..

1st - 57 points
2nd - 40 points
3rd - 33 points
4th - 28 points
5th - 25 points
6th - 23 points
7th(2 players) - 21 points
9th(4 players) - 18 points
13th(4 players) - 15 points
17th(8 players) - 0 points
25th(8 players) - 0 points

Time-Line **NEW RULE**

I'm simplifying it, this year. The rules is, you must play (at least) 1 match per week if you're on the losers side of the bracket and 1 match per two weeks if you're on the winner's side.

It is my job to keep the tournament moving. I had to disqualify a player in both '06 and '07 due to their slow pace, and I will do it again if need be. Please don't make me. I didn't like to then, and I won't like to now. Play at a reasonable pace and make me happy.

Assuming we get 32 players in time. Bristol Street will be open July 21st-23rd for first round matches. Random drawings will take place at some point before this.



The Final Word

The spirit of the event should be of fun and of playing cards in a one on one setting with people you may not get the chance to often play heads up. Participate, enjoy the format and feel free to find alternate venues to play early matches.

I'll try and keep Bristol open at least one night each week. If you're having problems contacting someone, please let me know.


  • Reserves

    1. "Zithal"
    2. "beanie42"
    3. "kanga"
    4. "800Over"
    5. "moose"
    6. "mmoose"
    7. "Aiki65"
    8. "JohnnieH"
    9. "Oragami"
    10. "joeheartsdi"
    11. "stpboy"
    12. "Buzzzardd"
    13. "Hellmuth's Mole"
    14. "Dirty Whore"
    15. "Kristy_sea"
    16. "isnork"
    17. "Quimby"
    18. "Flint Bones"
    19. "DataMn"
    20. "ItsaMe"
    21. "QTJen"
    22. "peteski"
    23. "8Ball"
    24. "TwoThree"
    25. Vince D
    26. "Vekked"
    27. "FASSman"
  • Jenn and I are in, please.
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    Jenn and I are in, please.
    i also would like to play
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    i also would like to play

    me too and mmoose as well.
  • Count me in.
  • Sign me up.
  • sign me up plz
  • You know I am in.

  • I would like to play in this.
  • I'd like to play. New player will send pm.
  • Me and Kristy

  • Count me in please.
  • Sign me up please.

    Note: On holiday from July 20-27.
  • In.


  • Please sign me up

  • put me in coach
  • sign me up yo
  • Put me down for this one :)
  • 8 spots remain and, based on the poll, here's how the sign-up will go. Sign-ups will end at 11:59:59pm on Saturday, July 19th.

    Drawings will take place at Benny's Sunday morning over breakfast (people are welcome to join me for breakfast.. PM me if you want it come; it'll be around 11am that I'll go)

    Once I get back from Benny's I'll post the pairings and people can scramble to find a time to play with their chosen opponent. If we need Byes the byes will be evenly spread around the tournament (i.e. won't have 2 byes in the top half and none in the bottom, for instance)

  • Can you add Vince D
  • Please PM his contact info as soon as you can. Thanks!!
    KangaX5 wrote: »
    Can you add Vince D
  • Hey all!

    A quick update as we head into the deadline weekend. There are anywhere between 2 and 6 spots left in the tournament. (I have a few, "my friends would like to sign up" messages but no contact info yet.)

    Also, the initial nights for action will be next Tuesday and Wednesday at my place. (Monday got removed)

    On Sunday, I'd like to do the drawings for spots with at least one member of the tournament present. If you can make it out to my place, let me know! (The original plan was doing it over breakfast and I'd still be up for that if anyone's interested.)
  • Just a reminder that I'm on vacation next week. I'm available to host my games weeknights and weekends if necessary so I'll be able to make it up quickly.
  • I'm in ... but I can't make commitments about matches until the end of July. (See my post in Off-Topic Lounge. You'll get the idea.)

  • Reminder: 30 hours until registration closes!
  • Final reminder; 4 hours remain to sign up!
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