The Ironman - RESULTS!!!

This really needs it's own thread.

So, Easy came down last weekend and, though it was a holiday weekend I tried enticing people with the promise of holding our first Ironman tournament.

(aside: The rules were first proposed in this thread..

As the night closed in Easy was excited to playing this, while Dan, (Easy's man) was a little bit less excited.

Also excited were the two forumers that decided to join us in our experiment; "DataMn" and "Kristy_sea".

Without access to a bottle of tequila we, instead chose to go for three dusty bottles of some random coolers that had been sitting on one of my shelves for an indeterminate amount of time. Two were grapefruit and the last was Pina Colada... yum...

With our 2,500 chips in hand, and a beer in front of everyone, the tournament began... and I promptly forgot to go all-in blind first hand. Luckily I remembers a few hands later, doubled up and finished my first beer, putting me at an early lead with ~7,500 chips.

That, of course, wouldn't last and at one point, I ended up all-in and busted 6 or 7 times in a row, before I finally won one and started laying back, downing beers to try to build my stack quickly.

There were several calls of "Beer down!!" has a table behind us kept the rebuy and beer bonus chips in line. They seemed to be added to the table at an alarming rate.

"Kristy_sea" took control of the table early. And, by take control, I mean most of my 2,500 early insta-pushes found their way into her stack.

When I finally got some chips, I pushed a raise back at Kristy and found AQ against her QQ. An Ace peeled off and I was a monster. (I have this knack for pushing over the top of Kristy when she's holding a monster... then promptly sucking out in huge fashion)

Easy couldn't get much of anything started and, shortly after the dusty coolers were finished, her stack was gone and she was the first out. She also got her buy-in back with the agreeded upon "Pity Payout".

I think I then eliminated Kristy with the skillful move of calling her all-in in with 53o and turning a gutshot straight.

Amazingly, or not-so-much, the Ironman lends itself to some loose playing.

Kristy was gone and Dan soon followed leaving DataMn and myself fighting over the title.

Beers continue to be downed, the tournament went into the wee hours and DataMn and I fought for what seemed like 3 or more hours. (You see, we had big stacks that only got bigger as we drank more beer. It's kinda neat to see your M improve from level to level as you get more drunk).

Eventally, my AT > DataMn's A3 and the title went to myself!

I have no clue when the tournament ended, and the details of many hards are a blurry message of drunkness. The heads-up battle, or what I remember of it, was easily my favorite Hu battle, and I celebrated my win with the other competitors passed out on various peices of furniture in my home.

This was definately not a smart idea and Kristy already wants a rematch for the title she lost to my skillful suckouts.

For those keeping track at home, our 2,500 starting stacks, built to a final total chip count of 150,000 chips. Yikes.



  • I'm so sad I missed this :(
  • You forgot the part where I shoved almost every hand for the first two orbits and lost all of them...ship 10 shots to me (thank god you didn't have tequila)

    And yes, I want a rematch..immediately!

    GG Rob
  • "I have this knack for pushing over the top of Kristy when she's holding a monster... then promptly sucking out in huge fashion"

    Is it wrong that this passage turned me on a little? :)
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