Happy Birthday Canada

Happy birthday to my favourite country in the entire world. 141 years old and she doesn't look a day over 50. I think she's had some work.

And a special salute to the men and women serving our nation in faraway places. For the sacrifices you make on our behalf, and the impressive way you represent our nation abroad, you have my unwavering support, and thanks.

For the rest of you, if you see a vet today, young or old, buy them a Tim's. Or stand them to a round at your local. You'll get a hearty thanks, and may even come away with a nice story to tell. Enjoy the day, folks.


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  • Just got back from seeing Burton Cummings at Ching Hill here in Brampton.

    I only have three words... OH MY GOD!

    He put on an amazing concert! And he hasn't changed one bit in 40yrs! I can't imagine a better way to celebrate Canada Day than a free concert with a Canadian music icon like he is. I was really hoping that Randy would make a surprise appearance, but alas not this time. Still, it was a fantastic show!! Every song he played tonight was well known and the whole crowd was bobbing to every song he and The Carpet Frogs put out. Didn't matter if you were 60, 50, 40, 25, or even younger, the music was perfect!

    Still the best nation in the world! Doubt me? Just watch 20min of CNN...you'll know why!
  • I went to Ashbridges Bay to watch the fireworks... I have to be honest that it seems like the same show for the last 10 years. It would be nice if they did something new, but I guess they probably have a fixed budget. Regardless was still fun to get out and celebrate Canada Day. Happy Bday Canada!
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