An interesting gambling history in Northern Ontario

After bemoaning the fact that it's hard to find a game in Timmins I came across this article on the Grievous Angels website.

Seems like the early 1900's we're a crazy time up here in Northern Ontario. An interesting read all around.


  • Great read, thanks ol-stone-face. I love the nicknames... 'Silent Bill', "Low Ball" Miller...

  • I know, they're great aren't they? I'll never walk buy that house at the corner of Birch and Second again without smirking a little. :-)
  • Cool read. I used to hang out with some buddies at the Ukranian Hall when I was younger. This would be early to mid 80's and most of their members were older Ukranian people who immigrated during the 30's and 40's to work in the mines (it's since closed I think, because sadly most of the oldtimers have passed on). One of the ladies there had run a brothel/card room for miners way back in the day. I wish I could remember the stories, but I was pretty young when I heard them.

    My dad played in some very very rough games up there in the 70's and witnessed a cheater getting caught in a back room game at a stag. I'll spare everyone the gory details, but suffice it to say some serious injury was inflicted on the cheater and my dad was disturbed enough from watching what happened that he gave up gambling for good.
  • that was a good read, killed some time at work :)
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