Baby Elliott BBQ and Poker Tournament; July 5

Hi everyone. Many on the forum have know Chris and Eleanor (BigChrisEl and ElElliott on the forum) and have played with them a few times. Well, they're expecting their first child around mid July, and to mark the event, I'm hosting an extra special BBQ and Poker Tournament/Shower event on Saturday July 5. Here are the details:

Bring something for the new Baby Elliott and you will receive an additional 2,000 in chips to start. And here's another time will be 7pm, BUT I'm prepared to host a small bbq party starting at 5pm for anyone who wants to come early and relax before game time. All I ask is that you bring a entree with salad or dessert. Oh, and BYOB!! Can't afford to keep you ALL lubricated ;) There will Virgin Punch for all Pregnant women, and those who do not indulge.

Here are the details for the game:

Date: Saturday July 5 2008
Time: 5pm BBQ/social 7pm Game Start
Location: My place, home of Ching Hill Poker League, Brampton Ontario (address and contact info available through PM's ONLY upon request)
Buyin: $50 (plus OPTIONAL diapers, clothes, etc for New Baby Elliott)
NOTE: Eleanor has informed me that they BELIEVE they have enough clothing for the little gaffer, and is requesting DIAPERS more than anything else).
Starting Chips: 10,000 (plus 2,000 OPTIONAL chips for anyone bringing something for the baby)
Blinds: 20mins


(I reserve the right to tweak this format as required)

Payout will be 50/30/20 for 17 or less players, 50/25/15/10 for 18 or more players. I'll also try to get hold of some door prizes as well, but no promises.

Weather permitting, the game will start outside, and move indoors when darkness or threatening weather arrives. I can easily get four 10 man tables in the basement if necessary, so I'm capping it at 40 players. THAT'S HUGE, but we have all known and played with Chris and Eleanor for quite some time, and it could easily get this high.

This is abit close to the actual due date as well, so we may or may not be seeing the parents at this event, but we'll play in their spirit either way. I'm sure if they aren't busy with the whole birthing thing at the time, they will be there to play and enjoy the company of all their friends and foes from our poker communities ;)

And yes, I'm pretty sure a cash game will develop as we bust tables in the tournament for those that want to stick around longer after their tourney ends.

If you're interested in joining in, post on this thread and I'll keep a running player's list going. This should be a great event for a couple of great people we have come to know very well, and I'm hoping to see alot of you out to both the BBQ as well as the game. Your non playing partners are more than welcome to join us for the BBQ and party as well.

Hope you can make it out!!
If Baby Elliott shows up before game time HE/SHE/THEY are more than welcome to join. And Eleanor has also told me the only thing that could possibly keep them away from this event is LABOUR! And I don't think she means manual either ;)

Certified sitters on site.

AJ & Brenda


  • Baby Elliott Poker Tournament and BBQ:

    Player's List:
    1) Eleanor
    2) Chris
    3) AJ
    4) Darryl
    5) Dan
    6) Amanda
    7) Allen
    8 Garry
    9) Steve
    10) Justin (tentative)
    11) Jeff (Compuease)
    12) Sherry

    BBQ List (if you would like to join the BBQ, please let me know as well)
  • Can't make it but congrats on the baby!
  • actyper wrote: »
    Can't make it but congrats on the baby!

    Baby is not here yet but thanks.
  • Same with actyper - can't make it but congrats!
  • Ditto. The three forum amigos are in Las Vegas.
    westside8 wrote: »
    Same with actyper - can't make it...
  • Congrats,

    this being my birthday weekend I won't be able to attend (unless I find a DD). Besides we KNOW my drunken birthday poker ability :)

    sounds like a blast.
  • Its GOING to be a BLAST!

    The game is only a few days away, and there are plenty of open seats available. The invitiation is open to ANY forum members. Be great to see a few from the KW area come out and join in the fun.

    BBQ, poker, and honouring the soon to be new parents...can it get any better? Weather permitting, we'll start the game outdoors and then move in as weather changes or as darkness falls. And I'm sure a cash game could start up quickly afterwards as well.

    Hope to see everyone out.
  • bump...selfish, uncalled for bump...but this is going to be a great event. Lots of room left.
  • Add me to the list...
  • garryc wrote: »
    Add me to the list...

    Now no one has a chance to win. ;)
  • I will be there for the poker. Not sure about the BBQ.

    I will keep you informed AJ if anything changes
  • ( oh crap...they're BOTH in!)

    Umm, I mean, great to have you guys come out ;)
  • Please send me the address at
  • Sent you an email. Need more info from you first. Pass the test, and we'll let you in ;)

    Should be a good time...deep stacks poker, social outdoors on a beautiful summer evening...and still have plenty of seats left too. BBQ starts at 5pm, game time is 7pm.

    I haven't heard from BusDriver, so I'll give him a call later today.
  • Hey AJ, I'm interested in giving one of your events a try and thought this might be a good one. I also was trying to find a game with some easy money for a change ;) since Milton money is so tough to get.....
    I'm playing in a tounrnament in Streetsville this aft at 1pm which would end at around 6 assuming I last that long and would love to come by after that. Would it be possible for you to PM me your # or address? Jeff...
  • You're IN, Jeff...calling you right now with the contact info and address.

  • hi, I'd like to come to the game for 7:00 and meet some of the forumers. I've met Eleanor & Chris before through Blondefish and The Game. My name is Sherry. I'm not sure how to PM for info?
  • Sherry, I'll send my address and phone number through a PM. Upper right hand corner of your screen you'll see Private Messages: Unread 0, Total 0. When I send you a message, it'll show as Unread 1, you can then double click to open it up.
  • I've created a Birth Day/Time pool as well for tonight. $5 per time slot you choose, closest to the actual time/date wins 50% of the total money collected. The rest goes to the new parents.

    Oh...sorry Chris and can't play. Don't want you to induce JUST to win a bet ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I've created a Birth Day/Time pool as well for tonight. $5 per time slot you choose, closest to the actual time/date wins 50% of the total money collected. The rest goes to the new parents.

    Oh...sorry Chris and can't play. Don't want you to induce JUST to win a bet ;)

    If any other forum member wishes to play in the pool, its $5 for each time block you choose. Pick a day and hour (am or pm), forward payment to my PokerStars account, which I will give you my info once you tell me you're interested in playing. Payment will be made via PokerStars if necessary should you win.

    The current due date is estimated at July 16 I believe, so we all have the same information.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    The current due date is estimated at July 16 I believe, so we all have the same information.

    Yup that is correct
  • Thanks to everyone who came out last night, especially Jeff and Sherry. Great to see you guys, been awhile.

    Chris returned to The Hill and took first place when his pocket 9's held up against Darryl's pocket 7's. Both of you played great games. Garry took third for yet another money finish, and Jeff was bubble.

    Had a great time last night, hope you guys enjoyed it as well.

    Congratulations Elliotts, and good luck in the VERY near future with your soon to be growing family.
  • Thanks for hosting AJ, a great group you have there.. Nice to hear some of Steve's stories from the WSOP, must have been really exciting... Wish I hadn't bluffed off 2/3's of my chips to Chris shortly before I bubbled, but though my tight image would buy me some respect... Jeesh... Nice comeback for the win heads up Chris.
  • Thanks to everyone who came out on Saturday. It was a great night to play poker outside (at least until it got too dark to see the flop!).

    Huge thanks to AJ & Brenda for hosting :D
  • compuease wrote: »
    Thanks for hosting AJ, a great group you have there.. Nice to hear some of Steve's stories from the WSOP, must have been really exciting... Wish I hadn't bluffed off 2/3's of my chips to Chris shortly before I bubbled, but though my tight image would buy me some respect... Jeesh... Nice comeback for the win heads up Chris.

    That was a bluff?

    My instincts were telling me to raise there, but because you hardly raised from the SB into my BB I felt you had a legit hand so of course I only called. (Because I never listen to my instincts)

    I saw a safe flop (Jack high) and at that point decided that if you had Aces or Kings I had to pay you off.

    It was a great game and had lots of fun over all.

    Thanks to every one for coming out and thanks to AJ and Family for hosting.
  • I gather you had a mid pair? Or Air like me, and if you did, well played... Actually well played either way...
  • It was nice to meet everyone and awesome to play poker outside on such a beautiful night! Thanks for hosting AJ.

    All the best Chris and Eleanor!
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