Game 4 Player's List

A couple of weeks of 8 handed play has really got me itching for a bigger game. Hoping it will happen this week! Steve is out, going to WSOP, and him being the current point and money leader, its a good time to gain some ground. The larger the turnout, the more points/cash available.

Who's In??

1) AJ
2) Derek
3) Joe
4) Garry
5) Kris
6) Milo
7) Allen
8 Jeff


  • I'm in....
  • Come on guys!! Let's give AJ some notice that we can play. It hurts the players as well with late sign ups. Justin, Jeff, Dan, Mike, Wyndham, Allen, Max, Michael, Romer, Rob, Milo, Igor, Amanda. I know you guys are out there. Let's build the pot and make an interesting game (and win for yours truly;)

  • Look up, Derek. I'm in there somewhere. As for you winning, we'll have to see, won't we?
  • count me in.
  • I will be there.
  • No can do...,

    I'm still out for one more week guys, sorry couldn't donate to the Derek/AJ fund... icon12.gif Busy work schedules and firm demands is currently interfering with my gambling habbits errrrrrrr - I mean work/life balance icon12.gif

    See you all next week!

  • Sorry to back out but i wont be leaving work in time to get there for 8. Good Luck all
  • Mike? Jeff? Aaron? Anyone? Bueller?
  • game On!!
  • Garry and I played heads up for maybe 5 hands. With Garry holding the 2:1 chip lead over me, I didn't have alot of faith in the cards, but when I got KJo and raised, Garry pushed back and I called. Garry shows A7s, but after hitting the king on the flop, I held the 2:1 chip lead. Next hand, Garry raises to 1200, I look down at AKs and push. He calls with Q4. Q on the flop but it comes with two clubs for my flush draw. Turn is a brick, and Garry is begging for no club. He got his wish...Kspade! I win Game 4 WOOHOO!!!

    Allen takes third place and Kris is bubble (sorry Kris, I should never had called I knew I was beat, just got lucky ALOT tonight...just ask Derek)

    Hope to see more of you guys next week. Would like to make the remaining games somewhat bigger to build a nice SET game pot! For Justin and me ;)
  • congrats AJ on the win...,

    Seems like u definitely have the horseshoe going there! If I were you, I'd turn some of that winnings over to OLG and buy myself some tickets for this week-end's 32mil draw..., don't say I didn't remind u! I only ask that you give me the $2mil - u can keep the $30mil!icon12.gif

    The amateur is once again back next week peeps to claim what's rightfully his..., the "chump" position - so watch out Kris! 12th place in the overall standing again HERE I COME!!!


  • Congrats AJ,

    Two back to back wins is very nice.

    Also congrats to Garry aka G-Money. Is that moneying 4 out of the last 4 for you?

    You guys should see about hitting the casino this week-end to play the hot streak.

    " Jeez, I'm out of it for a little while, everyone gets delusions of grandeur! "
  • Been a very good week for me so far. First, take first place money in a rebuy game I sometimes play at (yes, I did suck out at least once in it), and then first in the league this week. Not to mention I doubled my bankroll on one of the EU sites this week playing Omaha HI/LO. Been a very nice rush, so buying a lottery ticket is a DEFINITE event tonight.

    As far as your share, well, here's the deal...should I hold the winning ticket for the $32million, I will hold a LEAGUE FREEROLL for the $2million. Yes, I WILL be playing it ;)
  • [QUOTE=BigChrisEl;156625
    You guys should see about hitting the casino this week-end to play the hot streak.[/QUOTE]

    I got next week off, and yes, that is on the agenda ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I will hold a LEAGUE FREEROLL for the $2million.

    Confirmed players list:
    1) AJ
    2) Derek


    Yes AJ, you did get lucky, you 2:1 dog you. PS - I don't fault your push into my checked made hand. I obviously slow played it the best it could have been played. Too bad for me you hit one of your outs.

    Good game guys. suckoutmasters!
  • If it weren't for SKILL, I would win them all ;)

    And yes...I CAN be heard in a vacuum...I carry my own hot air supply ;)
  • AJ

    Congrats on the win, after that A7 < KJ suckout I knew it was over....

    Chris, this makes 3 for 3 ITM at Ching this season plus a 3rd at Steve's game on the weekend. It has been an amazing run lately for me, I actually sucked out on Allen for a change :D

  • garryc wrote: »

    I actually sucked out on Allen for a change :D

    I know....Not sure about what else happen last night other then Garry is the Suck out Master ;)
  • If I could just put my two cents in... Derek please don't try to educate AJ on the subject of pot odds and such because he refuses to listen and learn... I mean Q6 off AJ c'mon!!! How could you call when you knew I had outfloped you by hitting the top pair and saying: "what can you be playing, queen six???"

  • derksen wrote: »
    Confirmed players list:
    1) AJ <--- s/b short stack to start
    2) Derek
    3) Michael


    Yes AJ, you did get lucky, you 2:1 dog you. PS - I don't fault your push into my checked made hand. I obviously slow played it the best it could have been played. Too bad for me you hit one of your outs.

    Good game guys. suckoutmasters!

    Count me in!
  • Ditto. And congrats on the win, AJ
  • ACDC wrote: »
    If I could just put my two cents in... Derek please don't try to educate AJ on the subject of pot odds and such because he refuses to listen and learn... I mean Q6 off AJ c'mon!!! How could you call when you knew I had outfloped you by hitting the top pair and saying: "what can you be playing, queen six???"


    Take your two cents back Kris...won't do you any good. I had outs ;) Right Derek??
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Take your two cents back Kris...won't do you any good. I had outs ;) Right Derek??

    I do not deny the outs, or the push (as I am a slow playing Ninja... sometimes Ninja's even out-slowplay themselves - yes, we are that good;)

    I am still looking forward to playing 2:1 dog games with you though. Let's say the first game is cut for high card. I get 2 cuts, you get 1. $5 a cut (just like flips... don't want to make it too expensive on you AJ;)!!
  • derksen wrote: »
    I am still looking forward to playing 2:1 dog games with you though. Let's say the first game is cut for high card. I get 2 cuts, you get 1. $5 a cut (just like flips... don't want to make it too expensive on you AJ;)!!

    Give me 3:1 and you're on.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Give me 3:1 and you're on.

    I'll give you 3:1 dog games any day.
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