Happy Jays Fan
Gibbons is out.
Gaston and Tenace are back.
CTV.ca | CTV News, Shows and Sports - Canadian Television
Gaston and Tenace are back.
CTV.ca | CTV News, Shows and Sports - Canadian Television
I agree. 4 managers in 7 years......:(
Milton "Kiss my ....... Slim
Playing is fine but watching it... oh my gawd... it's good to take a nap though.
I beg to differ - the Raptors have made strides from where they were to slowly ascend towards the upper tier of the league. They might not be there yet, but given some time, I think they might reach it. Leafs and Jays are a different story.
Jays are pretending to move in the right direction
Leafs don't care as long as revenue is huge every year regardless.
The Eastern Conference outside Boston and possibly Detroit is not really a good indicator of basketball greatness. The Raps might have won 20 games in a tough Western Conference. That being said they are years ahead of the Leafs and Jays.