Ok, I'm drunk

Since I started hanging out with Mark ad/or Mario these occurances have been more and more but...

I thought it would be fun to start at "the craziest drunk I've ever been was..."

I may or may not be mildly inebriated an this moment and therefore reserve the right to change to a completely different story as sober discretion dictates..however at the moment..

my worst was getting drunk and high with the members of showcore and making out with the bassist after the lead singer bought me free drinks all night....

What you got?


  • I used to be the bassist in a band and made out with this hot looking chick one night. Wonder what ever happened to her.
  • Just another groupie story, pics or it didn't happen...

    Can't recall if I had any wild stories but if I did remember I would try hard to forget...
  • The night of 19 Prarie Fires....

    My machismo was humbled by my ass the next day.

    enuf said.
  • hmm... there's so many to choose from but the worst ended up with me passing out at the hospital lol... even had a free(not) ride in an ambulance.

    oh... and also being an urban legend at the subway in front of the bar after I clogged every single toilet of the restaurant ... pretty bad night.

    Kinda lucky I wasn't arredted for being wasted on the sidewalk
  • Enough said...

  • compuease wrote: »
    Just another groupie story, pics or it didn't happen...

    I thinks it's the same story....;)
  • note to self

    buy kristy drinks and get her drunk:)
  • You obviously didn't read the story well....

    If you're the one buying her drinks she won't make out with you.... she'll make out with your bandmate instead
  • I fixed your post.
    philliivey wrote: »
    note to self

    have lead singer of lame band buy kristy drinks and get her drunk:)
  • I'll bite.

    15 years old, in Corunna Ontario, I drank a 12oz bottle of Vodka(in one pull). I'd basically never had a drink before in my life. Soon after I blacked out, and woke up in a pool of vomit, in my own bed to the sound of the phone ringing. The answering machine picked up(old fashioned kind) and I hear the following.

    "this is constable so and so of the O.P.P., we just wanted to follow up and make sure Court was doing ok this morning. I immediately barf again, thank god my Father was on Vacation and call my friend Josh. Hee informs me that I did the following things the previous night.

    1. Made out with a really obnoxious overweight girl, in front of the entire world. Told entire world I was going to sleep with her(I was a virgin at the time and was still a virgin the following morning), I had also been punched in the face by an obnoxious overweight girl.
    2. Told several people larger than myself that they were total fucking idiots.
    3. Pissed myself
    4. Pissed on a cop car, for which I was subsequently detained.
    5. Told the cop he was a total fucking idiot.
    6. Got a ride home from the cop, and was nice enough to throw up in his backseat.
    7. told my Uncle who came to receive me at home that he was a total fucking idiot.
    8. Woke up feeling like a total fucking idiot.

    I was at least spared getting charged, and it was summer vacation as well so I could avoid everyone for a while.
  • LOL! Nice story

    (fwiw, I was working at the bar-and did not pay money to see buzzzard play)
  • dinobot wrote: »
    I'll bite.

    15 years old, in Corunna Ontario, I drank a 12oz bottle of Vodka(in one pull). I'd basically never had a drink before in my life. Soon after I blacked out, and woke up in a pool of vomit, in my own bed to the sound of the phone ringing. The answering machine picked up(old fashioned kind) and I hear the following.

    "this is constable so and so of the O.P.P., we just wanted to follow up and make sure Court was doing ok this morning. I immediately barf again, thank god my Father was on Vacation and call my friend Josh. Hee informs me that I did the following things the previous night.

    1. Made out with a really obnoxious overweight girl, in front of the entire world. Told entire world I was going to sleep with her(I was a virgin at the time and was still a virgin the following morning), I had also been punched in the face by an obnoxious overweight girl.
    2. Told several people larger than myself that they were total fucking idiots.
    3. Pissed myself
    4. Pissed on a cop car, for which I was subsequently detained.
    5. Told the cop he was a total fucking idiot.
    6. Got a ride home from the cop, and was nice enough to throw up in his backseat.
    7. told my Uncle who came to receive me at home that he was a total fucking idiot.
    8. Woke up feeling like a total fucking idiot.

    I was at least spared getting charged, and it was summer vacation as well so I could avoid everyone for a while.

    bwahaha... making out with a fat girl in front of everyone = WIN

    It happended to me at the end of semester party in some underground weird bar... my friend's girlfriend was there with a couple of her friend, one of them was a rather unatractive and fat... well after a shitload of shooters, beers and unknown substance I was on the dance floor making out with misses willy.

    When I came to my senses I ran to the other bar where all my friend went (yeah they abandonned me at the bar prolly ashamed of what I was doing and not wanted to be seen around me).

    Anyways... I get home and I try to forget about it (well my friend didn't want me to but anyways) on sunday (it happended on a thursday) she freaking called me , turned out she thought we were going out together , she told all of her friend she had a new b/f and bla bla bla... I had to break out with a girl I never went out with and do it in a public park... :(

    A couple years later I went on a trip to mt laurier (some place north of montreal) to see some friend and yeah... we were at the bar and it was a coors light night with the coors light girls dressed in bottlecaps (awesome) , I won a bottle of champagne from them and a couple hours later I was AGAIN making out with a larger than me girl... this time it was worse as she brought me back to her place... we almost started doing it when I puke on her wall and fell asleep.

    we never spoke again.
  • or you did not get me very well

    but thanks.

    who cares as long as she is drunk and horny.:)
  • no you didn't get it... she won't be horny for YOU.
    So you fail and you lost money !
  • no i gained and you are lost.
  • Ok.... explain to me how you gained in the following situation :

    - You pay drinks to a girl all night long
    - She's drunk and horny
    - She ends up sleeping with your friend who just happend to be there
    - You masturbate while watching porn

    Where's in the gain in that?
  • Well when I visited Vegas a couple months ago I got as drunk as I ever have in my life.

    Went to the Rockhosue, started drinking crown and ginger. At one point late in the evening after many a drink I remember giving the cute waitress a bill (not sure which but no more then $20 because that's as big as I had on me at the time) and when she asked what I wanted I said "noth'n... that's just for you."

    I guess that made her happy because the next two crown and gingers came without the ginger. I don't remember the walk back to the Monte Carlo except for puking in the casino level bathrooms. I then spent the rest of the night completely passed out on the marble bathroom floor in my room. At one point I came too just enough to know to turn my head to puke (thank God!). I didn't get up just laid there and turned my head and puked.

    Checkout was at 11:00 the next morning and my flight was at 2:00pm. By 10:30 I stopped puking long enough to go to the drug store and get some gravol (or what ever the damned American version is... that was not a pleasant conversation with the pharmacist). Took it and went back to my room and sat down for 10 mins. No more puking... though it was close.

    So I checked out and bummed a ride on a full airport shuttle for $20 on the side. I had the worst hang over ever in my life and was on the verge of puking all day... which of course made for a wonderful flight. I didn't eat anything until I got home late that night... when I was able to down some soda crackers successfully.

    What a way to end the trip. After the fact I am quite scared by how close I came to possibly dying that night in the bathroom. Never end a long night of heavy drinking with 2 full glasses of straight rye.

    I did enjoy the Rockhouse though and can't wait to get back to Vegas :).

    I have been that drunk only twice before. Once I spent the night in a feild north of York University after 13 shots of tequila at The Undergroud. I guess I failed to navigate my way back to the house I was staying at... college was fun. And the other time I spent on a bathroom floor and was carted off to the hospital the next day for some shots in my bum. See that time I drank a full bottle of Black Tower wine in under 5 mintues then got concerned that might be too much too fast. So I went for a run around the complex to try to speed it through my system to lessen the effects. That's all I remember until some nice looking lady was putting a needle in my ass the next day.
  • more than a decade ago....gettin mad drunk at a club only to end up in a bull pen awaiting video remand then transfered to a detention facility via patty wagon to serve dead time till my trial because I was denied bail due to past interactions with law enforcment. funny thing was I met a long time friend in there from the armed reserves who happens to be well respected inside, which made my stay more comfortable and who also taught me everything from smoking dried up orange peels to ultimately how to play and gamble with card games...the birth of my poker addiction......
  • I love this thread. Great idea Kristy!!!

    You will not see any “I got really drunk and made out with a fat girl before puking on myself” stories from me. Those were far too standard to write about.

    I am 15 and go on a cruise with my parents. It is during the March break so there are 20 or so teenagers on the ship. The first night they hold a get to know ya party for the teens and open up a bar by the pool for us. I spend basically the entire week with a group of US college students thinking I am the coolest kid on the face of the earth.

    We go into port a day later in Cozumel and our group heads into town. The ship is leaving at Midnight. We spend the day slamming tequilas on the beach, head to Carlos and Charlies for dinner and hit a couple of clubs later. We are all bombed and I spend most of the night dancing and snogging with this beautiful 20 year old girl KNOWING I am the coolest kid on the face of the earth. Told her I was 18 FWIW.

    Someone runs up and yells that it is 11:45 and we got to get back to the ship. We mad dash outside, grab a cab and pile 8 of us in and head to the pier as fast as the cab will go. We pull into the loading area and run for the gang plank, which is not there. It has been removed for departure. They lower it back down and we are greeted by all of our parents, the recreation director and the captain. The captain rips us all a new ass and tells us that we were 1 minute from being left stranded in Mexico. Our parents flip out on all of us and we decide to call it a night.

    Next night we are at sea and partying again in the disco on the ship. Once again we are bombed and around 2AM we head up on deck to have a look at Haleys Comet (this was 1986). I decide I need to piss and head to the washroom by the pool which is locked at this time of night. Since I really need to go I walk to the rail, do a too quick re-con, unzip my fly and start pissing over the side. My piss doesn’t quite make it to the Caribbean Sea that is 5 stories below but does manage to cover the bottom of one of the life boats. Just as I am finishing I hear, “Just what the hell are you doing?” I turn around and a watchman grabs my arm and takes me directly to the bridge and the captain.

    Captain - “Oh wonderful, you again. What now?”

    Watchman - “I found this one pissing in one of our lifeboats.”

    Captain – “I live here you know. What would you say if I pissed on the floor of your kitchen?”

    I get a huge lecture from these guys about respecting their ship and told that if I get in trouble one more time they are putting me off the ship at the next port.

    Cliffs notes – Go on a cruise 2 decades ago. Get drunk, make out with a hottie 5 years older, get in trouble and threatened with banishment. Don’t get banished but don’t get laid either.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    LOL! Nice story

    (fwiw, I was working at the bar-and did not pay money to see buzzzard play)

    Partial Redemption.

    I would have quit.
  • Not really my most drunk story, but last night I fell asleep playing a cash table on pacific. I wasn't even THAT drunk, just the combo of several drinks and being extremely tired. Fortunately it timed me out so I didn't get grinded down by the blinds :)
  • Not my most drunk story but close was I took a female friend to see Matchbox 20 in Hamilton and lets say we had around 15 beers during the show, we left had a few drinks in another bar and was told of a club to go to. We had difficulty finding the door to it. We kept following the music and eventually found our way in. Get in order drinks, she goes to the washroom and comes back a good 35 minutes later. Apparently there was 2 clubs with the washroom in the middle of it, she went into the other club looking for me. Thanks to that bit of info I didn't get lost when I had to go, otherwise I would have. We did manage to live through that night and find our hotel room. Later I apparently slept walked into the hall and had to be retreived back into the hotel room. How we didn't lock ourselves out is still a mystery.

    My best drunken poker story is playing at ching hill on my birthday. I had consumed a few beers prior and many more while playing. That night looking at cards was definately optional. I rarely looked at the hole cards, called an all in from Amanda (Easy on the forum) while she had AA. I believe I had something like 8 4 off suit which made a straight. Took the tourney down and had a wicked hangover for work friday morning. I had people hating me for a while.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    My best drunken poker story is playing at ching hill on my birthday. I had consumed a few beers prior and many more while playing. .

    Birthdays on The Hill are the BOMB!
    AcidJoe wrote: »
    That night looking at cards was definately optional. I rarely looked at the hole cards, .

    Wait...you mean you don't ALWAYS play that way??
    AcidJoe wrote: »
    called an all in from Amanda (Easy on the forum) while she had AA. I believe I had something like 8 4 off suit which made a straight. .
    Took the tourney down and had a wicked hangover for work friday morning. I had people hating me for a while.[/QUOTE]

    Man, you WERE drunk!
    It wasn't Amanda, it was Curtis's wife, Debbie I think her name was, and she had AKs to your 84o. She called your allin and you nailed the straight to take her out. I don't think she played more than 2 hands before that either. It was their first time on The Hill, and they never returned again.
    AcidJoe wrote: »
    Took the tourney down and had a wicked hangover for work friday morning. I had people hating me for a while.

    The hangover you suffered served you right...84o, you should be ashamed.

    We don't hate you Joe...Hell, you brought an element of fun to the game.
    But if you ever play 84 like that again on The Hill, it will take all the CSI teams to find you ;)
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