Port Perry 500 buy in trip report

Since I don't normally post my tourney reports I figured I should start with this one...as it is the first major tourney I have played since vegas which was back in march.

Got there at about 930 traffic was good on the 401 and then the winding road up to Scuggog....

Registration was quick and painless and I got to pick my seat assignment. Table 6 seat 9...I like that spot (anywhere from 3-5 6-9) so I get to observe my table. Not too mention the button starts on seat 1 :)

10am hits and shuffle up and deal...we are off....I get take a quick look at my opponents.

Seat 1. empty
Seat 2. young guy mid twenties...wearing a button down shirt and dress pants...first assumption not a good player (as all regular players know you should dress for comfort)
Seat 3. Old guy..probably rock
Seat 4. Old guy with a GBH Pin (which means he has played and cashed...) So I make a note to watch out for him.
Seat 5. Heavier set woman (typical womens guy....probably hangs out and plays cards at home or thinks she knows how to play because guys call her down too often figuring she can't play...when in actual fact she plays ABC poker)
Seat 6. Empty
Seat 7. Old asian guy....I am to be afraid of draws now
Seat 8. Younger asian guy...very friendly and chatty...from first impression just likes to play the game.
Seat 9. Me - The "young internet pro" as I am dressed in sweats and a t-shirt, have my baller watch and wearing my "HEE HAW" donkey cap which on the back says "I call"
Seat 10. younger asian guy who seems to know the dealers and tourney staff so I place him as a regular....probably the 2-3rd best guy on the table next to me :)

First level 25/50

5K in chips to start and 30 minute blinds. My kind of tourney, I like the deep tournies because it offers inexperienced players opportunities to donk off chips because they don't think a couple of moves ahead and they have no hand reading techniques.

My first impression is that this table will be realitively tight but that is quickly tossed out the door as UTG limps for 50 followed by a call of 50 and sb and bb complete. The hand is checked down and bingo everyone flips up A2off A4off, 910, KJ...Ace high chops....LMAO this is going to be great. A passive table....time to turn on 4th gear.

So my first hand in this level comes with KQD....I raise it up to 150 and i get the sb completing with the BB folding. The SB is the young guy in his mid twenties dressed like he is at work...so I figure a good range for him would probably be A-rag....

Flop comes 10HJH4H....not a scary board yet...as it is checked to me and i fire out 250 into a 350 pot. He calls....first impression....4 flushing....but i could be wrong so i want to see what happens on the turn. On the turn the A of clubs comes out, giving me broadway...BINGO...now i want to see what he is going to do because I did put him on an Ace and sure enough he bets out 225...into a 800 pot....ok..so now i have confirmed he has the Ace of hearts and I just have to avoid 1 heart...hoping at the same time he hit his kicker. River 4C....he checks I bet 600 and I take it down. Good start.

Further down the way I pick up A5clubs I raise it to 150....the blinds call flop K46...the board is checked to me I fire out 300 and I take it down. Great game I love poker..hahahaha

Pick up AK raise to 175...everyone folds around. Pretty much at this point I am the only one raising on this table and it is a bunch of limping, but the problem is people if they hit any piece they are not folding (which basically means no bluffing if they fire out at you...lol)

Next big hand comes in the BB with KJC....comes around to mid position who raises (finally) to 150....3 people call...I come aboard for the ride (out of position but I can gamble...lol)

Flop comes Q106 rainbow....hmm...open ended...lets see if i can get some free cards...but before I go to write my hand down, SB fires out 200...hmmm lets see here 200 into an 600 pot....I call..hahaha....everyone else including original raiser folds which allows me to narrow down SB hand to maybe at most AQ..(which is generous in my mind)...

Turn is a 6....which gives me more outs as I figure if I hit my K or 9 or A I am good....he checks...so I gladly check behind. River K (BINGO)...he checks to me so I fire out 600 and he calls and mucks. Told me afterwards he had 10/7. Okie dokie...middle pair is often very good against 4 people when you are in first position but who am I to judge.

So I am cruising along and we move up to the 50/100 level at this point and I can see that some of the players are dipping below 3000 in their starting stacks and I sense a nervousness with some of them....which is pretty funny as I no one is in any red zone from what i can see and from the way the table was playing.


I pick up 77 in the BB and 4 people call the 100 so I check. Flop comes 652. I check and MP fires out 125. Folded back to me where I CR to 375. He calls (uh oh) so now I have to quickly figure out what he is on because of the inital call of 100. I had a brain freeze at that point when I check raised and he cold called...so I quickly deciphered maybe A6 or overs I can't put him on two pair. It doesn't make sense to cold call my bet especially when I have been showing down quality hands (from what the table has seen). So the turn is a 3 which I am happy about because maybe it will slow the action down. I check he checks. River 4....BINGO...hit my straight...at this point I know I am good or am I....lol...(I quickly figure out if he was playing 78 suited he has the nuts..not me...hehehe). I fire out 600 and he reraises me to 1400. HMMMM.... at this point I can't see 78 getting there especially when I have a 7 in my hand and the last few hands he had shown down was A-rag...so I go with my inital A6 hand on the flop and I call (yeah I know it was weak if I was so sure that I had the nuts I should have re-popped but at the same time there was enough in the pot)

I call and show my straight...he looks disgusted and mucks..which leads me to believe he had maybe 2 pair or a set...but the hand was played odd so to this point I still can't give him credit for anything.

At this point I am fine with chips and I have built up my stack to around 9500 stealing blinds and picking on the weaker players (i felt bad for the lady because I was just floating and pounding the turn whenever she checked to me...hehehehe)


This is where it starts to go south. I dont pick up any hands for a while:
Q8,42,J8,89,K3,Q3,Q8,A2,J8,J9,23,59,69 and basically fold that level until the last hand before break.

I pick up AQ in the BB...folded to the button who makes it 700 to go...I think about re-popping but this asian guy was realively tight so i put him on 10s-KKs so I i hit my Ace I figured I would be good....or maybe I could get him to lay down his hand if the flop came screwy...

Flop 789...bingo...a perfect BB hand for someone who has chips....so I bet out 750..he snap calls...(whoops) and turn is a 9..I check and he fires out 2500....okie he had a pair that is settled...I ask him if he can beat JJ and muck my hand...he turns around later and said I was too tight as he had 10s...lol....good enough for me :)

So I finish up with about 7500 after dumping a bunch in the last hand before break...silly me...I guess I could have mucked but at this table I had a serious edge so I was trying to exploit it.

And then the unthinkable happens, they close the table....dammit..we lost 15 people in the first 2 levels...lol...go figure. I also can say they were not all AA vs KK all ins either.

150-300 with ante 25

I get moved to a new table and the first hand I pick up is A10...I raise to 600 and get re-popped right away to 2600 so I have to muck....

The new table I am at looks pretty much the same as my first table with the same host of people pretty much playing the same way. The old men as rocks, the younger guys coming in from their home games, and the female "pros"

So I fold again for a while....losing antes (I know I should be picking up blinds but other people were getting their hands in the middle first)


Pick up KJ and raise it up to 900...get called by 4 people. flop comes A59...One guy bets out 2000 and I muck....not going anywhere with that hand. So now I am starting to bleed chips so I figure I have to make a move to get my image of a strong player back because it looks like I am the chump here.

I pick up A5C on the button and mp makes it 800 to go....I call in hopes of hitting either an Ace or 5 as the last hand he showed down was Q6 when someone pushed (they both had flush draws but his was higher....LMAO)

flop comes K64....he right away fires out 1100....now this bet is odd because I can't put him on AK or KQ because that board is not scary with the initial raise. I count out my stack and realize I am at 7K so it will definitely cost me another 2K+ on the turn and I figure I will give the old man credit for a K but not a strong one.....my fault for calling 800 with A5 clubs....note taken...lol

Next hand I pick up KK folded to me, I make it 600 to go...everyone mucks including the BB that had about 10K in front of him...dammit..this is shitty...hehehehe

200-400 25 ante

So now the blinds are up again and I am no where to be found when it comes to hitting the flop or mustering the gusto to bet out as I havent found my groove. I get blinded down to 4200 through folding and here is where things are about to change....

I pick up KJ utg and raise it up to 1200...5 callers.....holy shit....now I am scared for my life but I quickly evaluate the situation and figure for the most part I got called by 1 legit hand and the rest 'looking to see a flop'

Board comes out 784....I check there is a bet of 1500 and another player takes it down. I dont think I can fire out on that board with 4 other people behind me....its not profitable at that point.

So now i am down to around 3000 and I figure next time the Button gets to me I will shove to pick up the blinds and antes just to get my name out there in the limelight again, but I don't have to wait till then.....

In the SB i look down at AA...FINALLY....I am going to get paid and get back in the hunt. So I watch as people are mucking and the female pro decides that "I am all in..I have to..." and she splashes 2500 into the pot...(woooohoooo)...the guy beside her thinks for a bit (please call please call) and he mucks...so i smooth call (hahaha praying the BB picked up KK or QQ) but he mucks....and she flips over 66....OMG....right away the spidey senses go up..this is going to be ugly....

She is shocked that I have AA (what else could I cold call 2500 with 3500 left) and says wow I guess I am going home. I turn around and say "dont worry there are 5 cards to come and I have a feeling about this hand"

Right away KQ6 out the door...she jumps up like she won 649 and I sit and shuffle my 2x500 chips.....lol

Next hand I get 104 and go all in against KQ and he flops a flush...my tourney is over.

So that was my GBH experience.


Tourney is crazy passive...lots of bad players early on.
Didn't pick enough spots to make moves got blinded down.
AA cracked by 66 and I am home :)


  • nice report..damn i wished i could of gone...
  • I enjoyed reading your trip report...wish I could have been there too - they are great tournies! Was the guy who says 'man overboard' there? lol
  • No but i know who you are talking about....the last time 2 years ago when I played there he said that all the time....
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