Game 2 Registration

Game 2 is now ready for registration! And here's a bonus for you...the current leader Dan can't make it out this week. A good time to knock him down early on the points board. Dan did say he was returning to The Hill to win this season, so this gives the rest of us an oppurtunity to catch up quick and early.

Who's In??

1) AJ
2) Max
3) Steve
4) Allen
5) Wyndam
6) Kris
7) Garry
8 Justin
9) Mike


  • AJ, I just responded to your e-mail. For now, I am good to go for Thursday night. I will keep you posted as per my e-mail.
  • Hope you can make it out Milo, keep me in touch.

    Aaron...your email address is giving me grief again. Can you get in touch with me and we'll try to figure it out again?
  • Good Luck in the next few weeks all.

    AJ - I will be back for the first week of July.

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Good Luck in the next few weeks all.

    AJ - I will be back for the first week of July.


    Looks like Dido here as well AJ...,

    I don't think I will be able to make it before then due to busy firm schedules and client demands. Nevertheless, I will try to notify you as far in advance as possible if I am able to.

    Congrats Dan and See you all soon!

  • Micheal...was wondering what happened to you. Hope you can make it out again soon.

    Lots of seats still open...plenty of time to get registered.
  • AJ, please take my name off of the list. E-mail sent, with explanation. Sorry for the late notice. I'll keep you posted about next week.
  • Got it Milo...thanks... all our best.
  • Hmm


    The Bus Driver
    and The Mad Russian
  • SteveKerr wrote: »


    The Bus Driver
    and The Mad Russian

    Jeff rarely registers until like 6pm anyway. No word from Justin since his trip, and word yet. No Allen or Aaron yet either...hmmmmmmmm

    Abit light tonight. Hope this game happens, been itching to lose my buyin again.
  • Okay, Allen is in now, and I'm pretty sure Aaron will show up...been having some issues with his email so not sure if he is getting the messages I've been sending. Looking good for a game. Thanks guys.
  • Count me in AJ.
  • Great to see you back Justin.

    Okay, if everyone shows, it will be a legit league game. Plenty of open seats still for any last minute players. (Jeff)
  • Im In...
  • You're IN Mike, good to have you out again
  • hey AJ, wont be able to make it out tonight, sorry
  • No problem Aaron...btw, can you please verify your email address via a pm to me? Your notices keep getting bounced back to me.

  • Well, it was a long time coming, but Garry has finally won a game on The Hill.

    Three handed action had Garry, Steve, and Mike all pretty much even stacks. They passed a few chips around for awhile, but finally Mike pushed allin with 22, only to get called by Garry's 55...board was absolutely no help to Mike, and he had to settle for third place.

    Headsup with Steve, Garry has a 2:1 chip lead. Third or fourth hand in, Steve pushes on a K high flop, Garry insta calls with K9o to have a better pair. Brick, brick, and Garry takes down his first game in two or three seasons now. Garry, you played a great game tonight, congratulations.

    Bubble boy was Kris, on a classic online beat. Kris gets a set of fives on the flop. Steve pushes all in with his pocket aces, but he also had any four for the wheel to help him. River ACE...and Kris was crippled. Kris, you also played great, just a bad beat of classic proportions.

    I was tonight's Chump, over playing the stupid end of a flop straight in the big blind. Kris had the top end, and I spent the rest of the night dealing (from the second level of blinds...ouch).

    Good game tonight everyone. See you all next week.
  • Something is wrong with this post AJ.

    Here let me fix it:
    STR82ACE wrote: »
    Well, it was a long time coming, but Garry has finally won some Money on The Hill.

    Three handed action had Garry, Steve, and Mike all pretty much even stacks. They passed a few chips around for awhile, but finally Mike pushed allin with 22, only to get called by Garry's JJ...board was absolutely no help to Garry when it was 22AK9, and he had to settle for third place.

    Bubble boy was Kris, on a classic online beat. Kris gets a set of fives on the flop. Steve pushes all in with his pocket aces, but he also had any four for the wheel to help him. River ACE...and Kris was crippled. Kris, you also played great, just a bad beat of classic proportions.

    I was tonight's Chump, over playing the stupid end of a flop straight in the big blind. Kris had the top end, and I spent the rest of the night dealing (from the second level of blinds...ouch).

    Good game tonight everyone. See you all next week.


    Congrats Garry
  • Did I miss something? I didn't see you there last night...did I mis remember the hand??

    I'm sooooooo confused now :confused:
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Did I miss something? I didn't see you there last night...did I mis remember the hand??

    I'm sooooooo confused now :confused:

    I know how the world works and it is unpossible that Garry won.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    I know how the world works and it is unpossible that Garry won.

    Proof that miracles DO in fact, happen from time to time.
  • Congratulations Garry!!!

    Good game and very unpredictable and UNPOSSIBLE... but hey, that's poker. I still think Steve is a 'nice' guy....

  • ACDC wrote: »
    Congratulations Garry!!!

    Good game and very unpredictable and UNPOSSIBLE... but hey, that's poker. I still think Steve is a 'nice' guy....


    Kris, if you had decided right there and then to kill Steve...we have all been there to say he had it coming.

    That was a horrible beat of online proportions.
  • Congrats Garry well deserved last night.

    Kris I was extremly lucky (which I did not get any last season on the hill)
  • Congrats from Singapore Garry - well deserved!
  • Thanx all,

    It felt nice to finally get'r done :D

    Kris that had to be one of the worst beats I have seen in a while, you played it well and just got unlucky...

  • Congrats again Garry and thanks to all for support. I was crying my eyes out on the way home last thursday... thank you.

    However, I got lucky on the flop to hit one of my two outs and then Steve had to hit one of two remaining aces, but. He's gotten additional outs on the turn when his hand was drawing to a wheel. So after the river the 'better' hand won and you have to admit that AA is much better than 55 (please keep in mind that both hands were off suite). Plus, I think it was on the 'Poker After Dark' when Gus Hansen said that players shuld not complain about "so called" bad beats. Simply, if someone has 2, 3 or 6 out to hit he has a chance to win and it will happen because that is the nature of this game. Therefore, I might be a loser but I'm not a quiter (not yet anyway). Nice hand Steve, very nice hand man...

    See you all this thursday,
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