Hotels/Attractions in Rome

Anybody been to Rome recently?

I just booked a 3 week vacation to Italy this summer and on the way to my final destination I'll have a 2 day layover in Rome so I'm looking for a Hotel that is a) family friendly b) not too expensive and c) close to the major attractions. I know there's lots to see in Rome and there's no way I'll get to all of it but I want get the most out of my 2 two days as possible.


  • Buy a good Italy/Rome guidebook.

    I went to Germany/France last summer and found Rick Steve's Europe books fantastic. I'm sure any other book wound be great though.

    Rick Steves' Travel Store : Italy 2008
  • MarcoGD wrote: »
    Anybody been to Rome recently?

    I just booked a 3 week vacation to Italy this summer and on the way to my final destination I'll have a 2 day layover in Rome so I'm looking for a Hotel that is a) family friendly b) not too expensive and c) close to the major attractions. I know there's lots to see in Rome and there's no way I'll get to all of it but I want get the most out of my 2 two days as possible.

    Hotels are not really hotels in Rome. Do a search for bed and breakfasts. I found a place for about 160 a night which is cheap in Rome but it was awesome. The old Italian guy treated you right. Also it was pretty close to all things Rome. Best get a metro pass to.
  • I stayed here a few years back. Very nice rooms.. don't really remember what I paid.

    Four Points Sheraton Roma | Home Page
  • Transportation:

    I suggest renting a bike and riding around town. There are always traffic jams there and the aggression level of driving is through the roof (worse than anywhere I 've been in the world). Many of the main sites are fairly close together. Otherwise I suggest public transportation.


    Eat at the trattorias. My spelling might be off but that's about it.


    Do keep your money hidden. Many pickpockets.
    Do not give money to beggars (especially the gypsies that break the limbs of their kids to get more sympathy). Many pickpockets.

    Have fun.
  • Thanks for all the good advice. We actually decided to stay at the Airport Hilton and use the complimentary shuttle to get in and out of Central Rome.

    I heard stories about the pickpockets in Rome. They're supposedly some of the best in the world:(
  • MarcoGD wrote: »
    I heard stories about the pickpockets in Rome. They're supposedly some of the best in the world:(

    A friend of mine told me a horror story about the thieves. She was a The Vatican with her purse hanging off her shoulder. A young mother walked up to her and threw her infant at her while an accomplice snatched her purse while she was catching the child. Luckily another tourist saw this and tackled the thug on the run and retrieved her purse.

    The morel of the story: Just don't give them any chance. No wallets/purses/fannypacks. Buy a money belt that hides under your clothes and keep all of your papers/monies hidden.
  • It has been a few years since I was in Rome, but I echo the sentiments about the pickpockets. Avoid the buses if you can. I was wearing a money belt on a crowded bus and constantly felt hands grabbing at the waistband of my shorts trying to get the money belt. I finally just got off and walked.

    As for the tourist activities I highly recommend doing a walking tour of the city. I did it at night and thought it was great. I also suggest going to the Vatican, if possible on a Sunday. I don't know if they have the same service every day, but I walked into the main foyer on a Sunday morning to the sounds of an incredibly beautiful choir. I am not religious at all and I was moved by the awesome sights and sounds.
  • pokerdro wrote: »
    The old Italian guy treated you right.

    pics or it didn't happen.
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