NL-ReBuy Tourny Surrey

Hey Guys,
I will be holding a NL tourny on Friday Oct 22,7pm in Surrey
Buyin $50
$25 Unlimited rebuys first 90mins
Add on $50 after 90 mins

Open to unlimited number of players let me know if interested. Should expect 30 plus players minimum. Thanks Bob


  • Bump

    Have had so far 30 people reserve spots. Should be big. Out
  • hey
    i woulda but am busy this weekend
    please post next 1 though
  • Tourney was great !!
    unfortunatley we had 12 people cancel on the night of. Had 20 players prize pool of $3000 + We had 53 rebuys from 20 players WOW. Ended p finishing 3rd for a decent payout. I'll let everyon know of the next event. 1 month or so mid november. Bob
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