Season 9 First Game

Time to get the next season underway. I think you're all going to like to new look too ;)

Game 1 will be on Thursday June 5 @ 8pm. As always, preregister as early as you can to help me prepare the tables, chips, and seatings.

I won't be using the HPT site for game notices, but I will be sending out emails and posting on our board here for game announcements and results. I will be asking you all to confirm your email address during the first game so that I can be sure I have everyone's.



  • Hmmm..... renovations at the hill? This reaks of CHPL embezzlement, cause we all know you didn't win the money;) (nothing like starting a season with a little sh!t talkin... eh AJ!)

    Count me in.
  • Hard to embezzle from an empty POT! ;) Lets just say my second place finish in the last SET game helped pay for the job. BTW...did I think you yet for pushing into my trip queens? My house thanks you!!

    You're IN bud!
  • No... you didn't thank me yet. I think that I owed you a thank you from slow playin my top two pair over your lower two from our previous encounter. I just called it even;)
  • I am in - and am letting everyone know that I will be in serious mode.

    Possibly sunglasses/hoodie serious.

    I need to make enough points to compensate for the fact that I will miss the next 3.

    You have been put on notice.
  • hmmmmm, Darryl with sunglasses and hoodie...

    anyone else think he would like just like Phil Laak?
  • Thanks for the invite AJ. I'm in for this Thursday. Please PM the details.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Thanks for the invite AJ. I'm in for this Thursday. Please PM the details.

    Great to have you out finally Milo. I'll pm you the address and contact info when I get home from work tonight
  • Milo, details are sent...hope you can make it out.

    And looky looky...Igor The Mad Russian is making a return to The Hill! SWEET!!!
  • Count me in.
  • You're in Mike, as well as Aaron. Haven't heard from Micheal yet, and I don't know if Justin will be coming or not, might still be in Vegas. Shaping up to be a great start to the new season either way, should be a very good game.
  • I'll be there, and hopefully all season (I want my name on some trophy) ;)
  • NINJA DAN??? Returning to The Hill???

    FANTASTIC!!! You know you're always welcome to join in Dan. Glad to have you out again!!
  • And here I thought it would be a slow start to the new season.

    Some new faces, and some returning players guys are great!! Thanks for making the first game such a fantastic turnout!

    Still some seats left too. Actually, with the new poker table the wife and I finished up last night, we can now COMFORTABLY hold 24 players!!!
  • Looking forward to the new poker room AJ. I always wondered what living rooms where for.... now I know! Who needs a living room AND a family room anyway?:)
  • Tonight, its just the same room, just more room and looks nicer ;) Still in negotiations for the other room though so hang on to your hats!
  • Ninja Dan just may have broken the NEW GUY curse in the league!

    Dan takes the first game tonight after hitting his nice on a flop and calling Milo's allin. Milo played an exceptional game tonight as well, and at one point, they were pretty even stacked for awhile. Dan managed to get a chip lead though, and Milo had to settle for second spot. Still a very good showing for the new guy, but HE DIDN'T WIN! HAHAHAHAHA!!! THE CURSE IS BROKEN!!!

    Steve played perfect short stack poker to take third place tonight, and Darryl had to settle for bubble. I haven't seen such an aggressive bubble round in a very long time. Some excellent play indeed.

    And who told Aaron that calling a re raise with 78o was a good play?? Sick!!! That hand put me on tilt more than I want to admit.

    Game 1 Chump was BusDriver.
  • Congrats Dan,

    I was surprised the Allen or Igor didn't win. The way they were talking they were going to compete for first and second.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    I was surprised the Allen or Igor didn't win. The way they were talking they were going to compete for first and second.

    OH, were they there?? Sorry...didn't seem to notice them ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    OH, were they there?? Sorry...didn't seem to notice them ;)

    No, Allen was there.... he's the guy that lasted a lot longer than you;) This Igor fellow.... not sure if he spent enough time there for recognition. And Wyndham.... it seems from his dealing and such that he hasn't been at a table since his last Ching game.

    Congrats Dan. Ninja has returned.
  • derksen wrote: »
    No, Allen was there.... he's the guy that lasted a lot longer than you;)

    Was THAT Allen? Wow...after being the champ last season, I expected...well...more ;)

    Great to see Igor and Wyndam out again as well. Been along time know you're always welcome back anytime.

    And Dan...that goes for Amanda too!!!
  • Thanks for a great night of poker, all. Won't promise to be back next week, but I will definitely be coming back for more. Great game all around, and many thanks to AJ for the invite. Guess I'll have to break the "sophomore jinx" curse next, right?
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