2008 Bristol St. Bender - Interest Finder.

Two years ago, a number of poker degenerates got together and played 24 straight hours of poker.

This June, the degeneracy comes back.

First, we need to pick a date and to help with this, I've created a Doodle poll. If you're interested in taking part, head to the poll, enter your Nickname and the time(s) you're available to participate.

Doodle: Bristol Street Bender

(Note that the choices are essentially Friday's at 8pm or Saturday's at 8am in the month of June)

Once again we'll be getting ourselves sponsored to play for 24 hours and, again, I'd like to use the Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre as our benefactor. Since two years ago the theatre has gotten a loan to finish the work (which will be done within the year), so they're going to need help to pay that back.

Once a date becomes clear, more details will be posted but, for those of you that didn't take part last time, here's a lins to the original post from 2006...


Are we crazy to be doing this again?? Hell yes.


  • Sorry Rob...f'ed up my first one so had to do it twice.
  • Please pick a time when I can play, I swear I'm not good at staying up all night playing deepstack poker. Also, don't click the link, it will lead you to believe my last statement is a lie!

    Hopefully I can make it back out there for this time!
  • Doodled. It's not that I have nothing else to do... it's that I have my priorities straight.

  • We've got some responses already and it looks like one early favorite is emerging. Having though about the date that's running (late June), I just thought of two things.

    The minor one is that the later it goes the warmer it'll be. But, I think the bigger thing is that, that weekend might be the Canada Day long weekend which may be a good or bad thing. (More days to recover, but possible less people around or with plans.)

    June 13th is also becoming an early favorite of mine, so double check that day.

    (Edit: Also note, when looking at the poll that the late June date has one more vote than it should cause Wes voted for that day twice.)

  • Zithal wrote: »
    But, I think the bigger thing is that, that weekend might be the Canada Day long weekend which may be a good or bad thing. (More days to recover, but possible less people around or with plans.)


    That's what'll be keeping me away...go June 13th!!!
  • Zithal wrote: »
    June 13th is also becoming an early favorite of mine, so double check that day.
    Only weekend in June that doesn't work for me :( .
    Pinhead wrote: »
    Please pick a time when I can play, I swear I'm not good at staying up all night playing deepstack poker. Also, don't click the link, it will lead you to believe my last statement is a lie!
    HU Luck-box... :p
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    HU Luck-box... :p

    You sir, are the luckbox. You made it to the second hand :p
  • June 13-14 weekend is my wedding anniversary. Anything else is OK.
  • 24 hours of mtt or ring? both ? what games
  • victor G wrote: »
    24 hours of mtt or ring? both ? what games

    Well...its probably more like SnG since you'll probably get 1 maybe 2 tables...and...you can play cash or another MTT when you bust out (check last year's threads for more details). And its NL Razz...I mean NL boring-same-old-game-all-the-time-but-I'm-still-the-worse-player Hold'em :D
  • hmmm .. NL razz? um that doesnt make much sence seeing its a drawing game?
  • victor G wrote: »
    hmmm .. NL razz? um that doesnt make much sence seeing its a drawing game?

    It'll be NLHE. 24 hours of Razz might lead to a few deaths.
  • Hey all.

    Due to lack of interest, I'm going to cancel the Bender for June and will re-schedule for September. I'll give a lot more advance notice for this one.

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