"My Boyfriend"...

Ever notice how girl's always slip in that they have a boyfriend when you are talking to them? What the is up with that? It's like they always think you are trying to pick them up or something. Anyway, I found a video that sums this situation up perfectly...

She Has A Boyfriend Video


  • haha I've seen this before and it's amazing, I love when he's at the bar and yells "WHISKEYYY!!"
  • It is called the 'boyfriend bomb'.

    Sometimes associated with 'proximity infatuation'.

    Urban Dictionary daily emails are awesome!

    The word for May 09 is boyfriend bomb

    When a female you are interested in casually reveals that she has a boyfriend (intentionally or otherwise).

    I was about to ask her out but then she dropped the boyfriend bomb.

    The word for April 28 is proximity infatuation

    An infatuation that develops out of close-quarters operation with another person.

    "I swear I'm in love with this girl from Philosophy class. I've been sitting next to her for like three weeks and it's obvious we're meant for each other."

    "Well do you know anything else about her? I bet you've just made up a life outside of class for her in your head. You're getting caught up in a short-sighted proximity infatuation man, just wait a couple weeks after class is over and you won't even remember her."
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