Quick Trip Report - Vancouver (WPT CANANDA Coast to Coast Championships)

Landed in vancouver on the 3rd, checked in River Rock and immdiately played a MTT Satallite ($220 - 1 in 20 wins a package to play in the $1k event and $3k event). Structure was really fast, chipped up good for the first few levels, had QQ and a medium sized stack moves in on me for a bit over half my stack - I call and I lose a race against AK. Couldn't get anything going after that and bust out.

Played the $500 buyin event - knocked out in the 3rd level when I got all my money in with 1010 on a 10,7,4 board - villan check raised me on the flop with a flush draw and I move him all in. Flush hits the turn and the river doesn't help me.

$220 Supersatallite - over 400 entries, pays out 30 packages. I made it into the final 30 and win my seats for the last 2 tournaments.

$1k event - card dead the whole time. Got a really bad table draw, 45 min levels and for the first 6 levels no one on my table busts out. They finally break my table and I'm moved, but my stack is down to less then 15 BB so I need to make a move. Got drawn out on with AQ against J9, villan moves in on the flop Q,J,x - J spikes on the turn. I hang in there for a while longer, chip up a bit, but get knocked out when my KQ, loses a race to JJ - queen flopped but J spiked on the turn.

CASH games - these were really good during tournament time. Played some 2-5, 5-10 and 10-25 NL. Made over $10k. Most memorable hand - playing 10-25 NL, Lee Markholt (WPT RENO Winner) is sitting on my right, Brad Booth is in the SB. $50 straddle - I raise to $200 with AA, 1 cold caller, and Booth moves all in about $10k (didn't even realize what happenned until Lee Markholt says "just a matter of time before you did that Brad").
So I call and my AA hold up against Brad's AKs.

$3K event - made it deep into day 2. 2 away from the money and tried a stupid bluff against the table chip leader on the river - he made a good call and I'm out on the Bubble. Oh well... Learn from my mistakes, and they'll all see me at the next TV final table.

The tournaments at the River Rock were very well run, and the have one of the best tournament directors there I have come across in Daryl. Structures were very good, lots of play. Will likely be back in Nov for the BCPC.

Very profitable trip overall, and enjoyed Vancouver a lot. Brad Booth, Antonio Esfandiari, Gavin Smith, Jody Trainer, Lee Markholt - all great guys and fun to hang out with.
The strength of the field in the $3k event was very strong - lots of big names besides the ones listed above - Bill Edler, Scott "BigRiskky" Clements, Joe Sebok, Marc Karaam among others.

On another side note - also met Ali Nejad (voice on Poker After Dark), the WPT Canada people, Kenna James, and I finally got to see Vince Van Horne and his WORLD FAMOUS MOUSTACH.


  • Great TR...
  • Congrats & thanks for the trip report. Hopefully, these affordable WPT Canada events will be coming to Ontario casinos.
    SMOOTH55 wrote: »
    The tournaments at the River Rock were very well run, and the have one of the best tournament directors there I have come across in Daryl. Structures were very good, lots of play.
  • Talking with the execs. at WTP Canada there and they indicated that the most likely next stop will be in Regina in Jul-Aug. They have been in talks with Brantford but nothing concrete.
  • Yes, thanks for that great trip report and congrats on your success.

    I'm also hoping they bring some affordable WPT Canada Events to Ontario and/or Montreal. The BC $3k event had 302 players... first took way $224k. Nice!
  • Great results smooth.

    I finally made out it out to the rock on Monday, but I'm not sure if you were still around that day. The day of the Mixed Pot Limit HE/Omaha event.

    Sorry we didn't get to connect.
  • I guess amateurs aren't the only morons that overplay AK. What the hell is up with Brad Booth??? Do people play AK like that preflop in big games all the time? What did he say after the hand?
  • He probably said something like "meh".

    He was likely just being a bully knowing that most players would lay down a hand as big as QQ against such a massive push.
  • See WPT Canada for a list of the money winners. Almost all of the winners were from BC, but I recognized a couple of players from the GTA.
  • dinobot wrote: »
    He probably said something like "meh".

    He was likely just being a bully knowing that most players would lay down a hand as big as QQ against such a massive push.

    Brad saw $550 of potentially "dead/easy" money in the pot for the taking right away. His thinking was that he's only draw badly to AA or KK and is at worst a flip against anything else. I only had around $5-6k in my stack and the other player was also a shorty, so his effective stack wasn't really $10k.

    Still a bad play though. He was drinking earlier and was slashing around quite a bit. Lee Markholt on the other hand is as solid as anything I've ever seen.

    BTW - I'm not laying down QQ to a big push from Brad when he's been drinking.

    "what did he say after the hand?" - ok, let's give him some money... how much?
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    See WPT Canada for a list of the money winners. Almost all of the winners were from BC, but I recognized a couple of players from the GTA.

    Thanks for the link, waiting for an official site from them.

    So is Ken running this WPT Canada, I just noticed it was his blog.
  • actyper wrote: »
    So is Ken running this WPT Canada, I just noticed it was his blog.
    Wow, I never noticed that the former head of the bankrupt :'( CPT and Canadian Poker Player magazine is now blogging for WPT Canada.
  • From what I've heard also is that this is only a once a year tourny at riverrock and not a whole series as I expected. The coast2coast is just a name and not what it sounds like. Planning has already started for next May and expectations are for a significant increase in prize pool.
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