I had a great time at Fallsview, the dealers and floor staff were friendly and...

this thread is dead to me


  • I realized I was in Bizarro Fallsview?


    This one has some potential but I'm only gonna bring a six pack. ;)
  • Good, then you can lend me one. Slide down the bench, would ya . . .

    Hey, Moose ! ! !
  • As the joke goes.....who is the OP? Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy or a Smart Blonde?
  • ...all of the players knew how to table their cards, acted in turn, and were polite and respectful to each other and the staff... HAHAHAHA!
  • . . . This guy in MP bet out on a non threatening Q high board (no flush/straight possible). I called with my set of Queens and waited for him to table his cards. When he didn't the dealer immediately told him to table or muck his hand. When he pushed his cards forward, face down, the dealer scooped them up right away, and I tabled my set to take the pot. I wish all dealers were so professional. :D
  • [ x ] Delivers
    [ x ] Would read again
  • [ x ] This thread is useless, with or without pics

    In this country we not only have the freedom of expression, which you have chosen to exercise, we also have the freedom of choice in that you have the right not to go anywhere you don't want to go (other than jail).

    So we all know you go flaccid at the thought of going to Fallsview, who cares about the rest? If you hate it so much, simply exercise your right of choice by choosing one of many other casinos that may appeal more to you.
  • I actually truly did have a great trip to Fallsview today... I thought I'd post it.

    Two dealers Michael and Meryem were absolutely fantastic, but all the rest were also top notch.

    A minor 'oops' when I called in, they forgot to put my name on the list, and when I checked in 70 mins later and they realized the mistake they handled it spectacularly, immediately and with a polite apology.

    Great day!
  • Kristy did you by any chance play at table 11 tonight (seat 1)? From the other thread I think you said you have a lip ring and nose stud and it only clicked in now.
  • yeah, were you at my table?
  • Ya I was in seat 6 most of the night then moved to seat 5. Beige sweatshirt, big nose and glasses. Don't take this the wrong way but I did not expect you to be so quiet at the table.
  • I was unbelievably sick...I actually was about to ask you what forum you were from when you got distracted by the button. You should post more, you were hillarious.
  • How long were the waits this weekend to get a seat? I am thinking of going there for the third time this week on Monday. On Thursday night, there were 50 players ahead of me and a couple of hours wait. Eventually, two dealers were pulled from a less busy pit to increase the tables to eight, but by that time, many players had given up waiting and left and there was actually open seating by the time play began on the opened tables!

    Note that the $5 parking charge is back. If the wait is too long and you head to Seneca Casino instead (like I was thinking of doing) without playing anything, you may be charged just for stopping by.
  • called ahead: seated immediately around 3pm

    waits were long at peak hours, all tables were open.

    $5 parking charge is NOT back, I parked for free yesterday.
  • Kristy:

    Ya I think I might get back into this poker thing so I might actually start posting. I haven't been playing much since I finished school last April and got a "real job".

    I am underolled for the 2/5 game but it is pretty soft so I might take a few more shots at it. If I see you there or at CN I will say hi.


    My buddies and I got there just after 5 and all 3 of us were seated around 5 30 (called ahead). At that time all the tables were running. We didn't have to pay for parking but I think you are right that you would have to pay if you just walk in and out. You have to have played something at the casino and used your player's card to get free parking I believe. I don't go often enough to know for sure though.
  • Yep. It's $5 unless you have play on your card. Much cheaper than parking in the Niagara Parks Commission lot. Great place to park. Excellent washroom facilities. No waiting. Parking lot attendant well trained. Got correct change and also knew how to open the gate. Highly recommend.

    Wait - there is gambling there? Wouldn't know.
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    How long were the waits this weekend to get a seat? I am thinking of going there for the third time this week on Monday. On Thursday night, there were 50 players ahead of me and a couple of hours wait. Eventually, two dealers were pulled from a less busy pit to increase the tables to eight, but by that time, many players had given up waiting and left and there was actually open seating by the time play began on the opened tables!

    Note that the $5 parking charge is back. If the wait is too long and you head to Seneca Casino instead (like I was thinking of doing) without playing anything, you may be charged just for stopping by.

    Wait was brutal for me, partly due to prime time (I called in @ 9 pm, got there @ 10 & didn't get seated until 12).

    If you park there, you have to play something (eg get your card swiped) for free parking.

    I got food poisoning from the buffet (I rarely ever get sick from food).
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