FR 2 6max

HI, is there anybody that do FR and 6 max
care to share some of the difference and tips?
I beat FTP to 100NL FR
i beat 6max game to 50NL
currently suffer big time at 100NL 6max
I don't think games is that much harder,
Currently getting kill at FTP.
i'm down 9BI
I have few leak on this, mainly due to fcuk up mind set.
i play total of 2670hand
VP 22.32 PFR 14.61 AF 3.23 3bet 3.03 steal 29.06 FB 68.5 FSB 82.84
i play 15 session only come up ahead 3 session.
i look to my sessions found a few problem, but they mostly marginal situation.

1. folded too many big pot
-this may not be a bigger problem, i don't really like to make hero call without a good read.
i may catch a bluff here and there, but overall it's gonna cost more.
2. run into too many cooler
-nothing i can do,
3. cold deck, no action on big hand
-AA, KK pretty much do nothing but pickup and blind or get crack.
-i am not hitting my fairshare of sets, but when i do, i run to a bigger set or pickup small pot.
4. bad luck
-miss most of flop, it's hard to continue when villian wants to play a big pot.
-2 outter, and that runner runner,

i think the beat and the coolers has damage my games more, as i am playing less hand then my usual 6max LAG style.
50NL 6 max i play 33/28/7
any advise is welcome?
I beat 50NL 6max at 14BB/100 over 10K hand. so i don't think adding more hand there will help me.
maybe i am not cut out be beat 100NL 6max?
CAD how are you doing on 100NL 6max?
if you got the time, care to look my HH for me?


  • 14BB/100 is a pretty sick win rate and not really sustainable IMO.

    This is more of a run really good type of win rate especially over 10K hands. As a matter of fact I believe this so strongly that I would wager $1000 that you can't sustain 14BB/100 over 40K hands at 50NL on Full Tilt.

    I am not playing 100NL as my regular game. I have played some hands there and I have done ok but I am not there yet. A combination of not playing much in the last month and a pretty sick downswing and some poor play has kept me short of my bankroll goal for 100NL

    A few comments on what you have posted:

    1. You have switched styles when you moved up. This is not good. Play your game. If your game can beat 50NL then your game can beat 100NL. You may need to make small improvements and adjustments as you move forward but playing 33/28 at 50 and 22/15 at 100 is a big difference. Know who you are a stick with it. Playing a different style will give you headaches even when you do it at the same level. Moving up + changing style is really a recipe for disaster.

    My initial thought is that in your head you are thinking that since you are playing much tighter you must be good a whole lot more of the time and making some marginal call downs.

    2. My thought on win rate in cash games is this: Your coolers and big hands are going to even out over time especially as you move up. If you are table selecting a ton of fish they are going to pay you off when you hit your sets and when you get AI preflop with AA>AJ and this is good times. But if 50NL has 2 guys at each table that will play this bag against you then 100NL will only have 1. Think of how big of a difference this is.

    Remember that as you move up the fish get fewer and there gets to be more regs both good and bad and these ones are harder to get this type of easy money out of. Against the regs your money comes from the pots you take down without going to showdown. There is lots more opportunity to do this when you are LAGGY but you need to be damn good to pull it off.

    3. 2700 hands is peanuts. It is possible that you could run bad for 25,000 hands maybe more.

    I have played about 8K hands this month. I have netted $20 in pots where I have flopped set. $20 fucking dollars. Meh, shit happens.

    Ship me your HH if you want me to have a look. Take all of your 50 and 100NL (6max) zip them and email them to me. I'll import the file to PT and have a look. PM me for email addy.

    PS I am 100% serious about the prop bet.
  • cadillac wrote: »
    14BB/100 is a pretty sick win rate and not really sustainable IMO.

    This is more of a run really good type of win rate especially over 10K hands. As a matter of fact I believe this so strongly that I would wager $1000 that you can't sustain 14BB/100 over 40K hands at 50NL on Full Tilt.

    I am not playing 100NL as my regular game. I have played some hands there and I have done ok but I am not there yet. A combination of not playing much in the last month and a pretty sick downswing and some poor play has kept me short of my bankroll goal for 100NL

    A few comments on what you have posted:

    1. You have switched styles when you moved up. This is not good. Play your game. If your game can beat 50NL then your game can beat 100NL. You may need to make small improvements and adjustments as you move forward but playing 33/28 at 50 and 22/15 at 100 is a big difference. Know who you are a stick with it. Playing a different style will give you headaches even when you do it at the same level. Moving up + changing style is really a recipe for disaster.

    My initial thought is that in your head you are thinking that since you are playing much tighter you must be good a whole lot more of the time and making some marginal call downs.

    2. My thought on win rate in cash games is this: Your coolers and big hands are going to even out over time especially as you move up. If you are table selecting a ton of fish they are going to pay you off when you hit your sets and when you get AI preflop with AA>AJ and this is good times. But if 50NL has 2 guys at each table that will play this bag against you then 100NL will only have 1. Think of how big of a difference this is.

    Remember that as you move up the fish get fewer and there gets to be more regs both good and bad and these ones are harder to get this type of easy money out of. Against the regs your money comes from the pots you take down without going to showdown. There is lots more opportunity to do this when you are LAGGY but you need to be damn good to pull it off.

    3. 2700 hands is peanuts. It is possible that you could run bad for 25,000 hands maybe more.

    I have played about 8K hands this month. I have netted $20 in pots where I have flopped set. $20 fucking dollars. Meh, shit happens.

    Ship me your HH if you want me to have a look. Take all of your 50 and 100NL (6max) zip them and email them to me. I'll import the file to PT and have a look. PM me for email addy.

    PS I am 100% serious about the prop bet.

    Thanks Caddy
    I seriously doubt that i could sustain it, so no prob bet.
    it's combo of running hot, and playing good.
    due to my LAG style, i have people call me down with bottom
    i have gotten pay off with most of made hand, and took down alot of pot.
    IMO LAG is so much more fun then TAG
    But this is not on FTP, I bonus whore on Prima now.
    I haven't try 50NL 6max at FTP, but I couldn't see 50NL be that much tougher then euro site.
    i'll ship you the HH when Hold'em managers release a version that i can export HH. (Prima use Dat file for HH)
    Thanks Caddy, i'll PM you for your email.
    I believe the downswing is hurting my confidence, and result in playing bad, and see monster under the bed...... which is bad for LAG style.
    i got blow off few big pot yesturday, now that i take look at it again, I notice alot of error.
    This is a monkey hard to kill, it's been with me, when i play TAG, i though i kill the monkey, and guess not.
    PS: on Prima 50NL 6max.........I temper to go on the bet, the field is so soft, it's not funny.......if you got the time, give prima a try.
  • i'm down another $340 today......
    today is better, i'm actually winning some hand
    because i try not to get push around too much.
    I find generally that is not a good idea
    i just have to accept the fact that i sux, and can't beat 100NL 6max.
    guess i'll be heading back to FR and do 50NL 6 max on FTP.
    even know prima is alot soft, but losing 11.5BI, I have to put a stop loss.
    I am not sure i'm just running bad or getting out play.
    it hard to play right now, i see the monster everywhere, because i just keep run into one.
    i just don't know how to play anymore...........

    Full Tilt Poker Game #6205918953: Table ricktheruler (6 max) - $0.50/$1 - No Limit Hold'em - 1:01:30 ET - 2008/04/28
    Seat 1: kamacasi ($100.90)
    Seat 2: Wes_Welker ($102)
    Seat 4: O Reary ($98.50)
    Seat 5: pez gordo ($100.75)
    Seat 6: allyasia ($100)
    allyasia posts the small blind of $0.50
    kamacasi posts the big blind of $1
    The button is in seat #5
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to allyasia [Ah 4h]
    Wes_Welker folds
    O Reary folds
    pez gordo folds
    allyasia raises to $3
    kamacasi calls $2
    *** FLOP *** [Ts Tc Ad]
    allyasia bets $4
    kamacasi calls $4
    *** TURN *** [Ts Tc Ad] [Th]
    allyasia bets $12
    kamacasi calls $12
    *** RIVER *** [Ts Tc Ad Th] [3h]
    allyasia bets $31
    kamacasi raises to $62
    allyasia calls $31
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    kamacasi shows [Kd Td] four of a kind, Tens
    allyasia mucks
    kamacasi wins the pot ($159) with four of a kind, Tens
    allyasia adds $81
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot $162 | Rake $3
    Board: [Ts Tc Ad Th 3h]
    Seat 1: kamacasi (big blind) showed [Kd Td] and won ($159) with four of a kind, Tens
    Seat 2: Wes_Welker didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 4: O Reary didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 5: pez gordo (button) didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 6: allyasia (small blind) mucked [Ah 4h] - a full house, Tens full of Aces

  • If you have decided to showdown on that river (I'm not sure I would), chk/ call is the better line. I am more likely going to check fold to a big bet. You are likely splitting the pot at best. It is a marginal spot for sure and getting your stack in is not too good. Even out of the blinds.
  • Prima/Microgaming everbody is LAG there, so if you play LAG there yourself it doesn't accomplish much.

    Like Cad mentioned, Checking is definately the better line on that hand.
  • Funny,

    I have played you at 100NL, I didnt realize it but when I saw your HH post I realized we have played together.

    first of RicktheRuler is a HIGH VPIP table and is really always played 5 handed unless 'rick' is there. These tables (essentially 5 handed tables) play notoriously aggressive.

    Some notes that you could apply generally as I have been crushing these tables;

    Agression, really treat these tables as 3/6 in terms of blinds. A 3x blind opening is really a limp from button or c/o.

    UTG ranges are usually tighter then 6max normal UTG, so treat UTG raises with alot of respect.

    NEVER NEVER NEVER call preflop OOP with the line of Check fold if you miss.
    This will cause a huge leak in general, but will kill you on these tables.

    Open your three bet range out of the blinds. The Button is going to open much more here and your defence is three betting.

    This is the normal line for these tables

    UTG fold
    MP open /call or fold
    BTN reraise
    SB fold
    BB fold

    UTG fold
    MP fold
    BTN open
    SB fold
    BB fold

    I would say that this is the sequence that you will see 80% of the hands. So to exploit it you have to break up these patterns. (keep in mind the stack if you have a short stack 10-20 blinds then these strategies do not apply)

    Preflop -

    1) 3bet out of the blinds
    2) 4bet out of MP
    3) Open/reraise your Button wide

    Post flop -

    1) Cbet is standard
    - call wider OOP, look for the positional better to 'blink' and take away
    pot on river
    - reraise wider to defend against standard CBET
    - Still fold, when your hand has absolutley no showdown or draw value
    - Be very wary of odd looking bets - the pot button is a standard on
    FT so bet sizes out side of pot take some thought and should raise

    2) Let very aggressive players bet for you,
    - use a donk bet (1/2 pot OOP) to get reraised
    - use the rope a dope, but be prepared to fold when draw completes

    3) Show down some marginal hands for small pots;
    - If you have mid pair and some is betting 1/2-2/3 pot, call knowing
    that you are probably beat, but it will take some of the pressure off
    from the continious betting from LAGS

    4) I cannot MT and have a maximum winrate from these tables. I have found that I really must concentrate on these tables. I'm sure that some people are better at this then I am but my style 30+/20+/5+ means I have to pay attention.

    Im sure there are more but these are some of the ideas that have really kept me humming at these tables.
  • Redington wrote: »

    I have played you at 100NL, I didnt realize it but when I saw your HH post I realized we have played together.

    first of RicktheRuler is a HIGH VPIP table and is really always played 5 handed unless 'rick' is there. These tables (essentially 5 handed tables) play notoriously aggressive.

    Some notes that you could apply generally as I have been crushing these tables;

    Agression, really treat these tables as 3/6 in terms of blinds. A 3x blind opening is really a limp from button or c/o.

    UTG ranges are usually tighter then 6max normal UTG, so treat UTG raises with alot of respect.

    NEVER NEVER NEVER call preflop OOP with the line of Check fold if you miss.
    This will cause a huge leak in general, but will kill you on these tables.

    Open your three bet range out of the blinds. The Button is going to open much more here and your defence is three betting.

    This is the normal line for these tables

    UTG fold
    MP open /call or fold
    BTN reraise
    SB fold
    BB fold

    UTG fold
    MP fold
    BTN open
    SB fold
    BB fold

    I would say that this is the sequence that you will see 80% of the hands. So to exploit it you have to break up these patterns. (keep in mind the stack if you have a short stack 10-20 blinds then these strategies do not apply)

    Preflop -

    1) 3bet out of the blinds
    2) 4bet out of MP
    3) Open/reraise your Button wide

    Post flop -

    1) Cbet is standard
    - call wider OOP, look for the positional better to 'blink' and take away
    pot on river
    - reraise wider to defend against standard CBET
    - Still fold, when your hand has absolutley no showdown or draw value
    - Be very wary of odd looking bets - the pot button is a standard on
    FT so bet sizes out side of pot take some thought and should raise

    2) Let very aggressive players bet for you,
    - use a donk bet (1/2 pot OOP) to get reraised
    - use the rope a dope, but be prepared to fold when draw completes

    3) Show down some marginal hands for small pots;
    - If you have mid pair and some is betting 1/2-2/3 pot, call knowing
    that you are probably beat, but it will take some of the pressure off
    from the continious betting from LAGS

    4) I cannot MT and have a maximum winrate from these tables. I have found that I really must concentrate on these tables. I'm sure that some people are better at this then I am but my style 30+/20+/5+ means I have to pay attention.

    Im sure there are more but these are some of the ideas that have really kept me humming at these tables.

    should have post this earlier....^^
    I think i'll give a shot one more time, this time, i'll just do two table instead of 4.
    new the the 6max, don't really have much hand on anybody.
    typing notes like crazy.
    getting play back alot, while i'm not sure where i am.
    I find it Hard to play 4Table at 100NL 6max too.
    hard to think straight, I didn't even notice i was playing alot of hand OOP, because high VPIP is to my left.....good table, bad seat.
    force to let go alot of pot........
  • cadillac wrote: »
    If you have decided to showdown on that river (I'm not sure I would), chk/ call is the better line. I am more likely going to check fold to a big bet. You are likely splitting the pot at best. It is a marginal spot for sure and getting your stack in is not too good. Even out of the blinds.
    the thing is
    i check fold too much, it become a leak......
    i got push around too much.
    i feel blind battle, my hand is good at the flop, but turn with 3rd Ten, I don't have to worry about out kick.
    villian is caple calling me down with any PP, so i fire at the river for value.
    when i got raise on that river, I kinda suspect it, but,....I have a note to remind me, not to see monster under the bed.....><
    this so you know, how Fcukup my games is now......
  • i like to thanks for all forum member to contribute to help...
    it just seem so clear to me now..
    still in downswing, but i can see it so clearily now.

    1. cad, you were right about changing style and moving up is bad idea
    i didn't know much about LAG, only start playing LAG for a month,
    i have enough edge on the 50NLer to get away with alot of mistake, but i didn't have the kind of edge on the collective field of 100nler. so it doesn't work anymore.

    2. Redington
    your input on FTP is really big wakeup call.
    and I found few major difference between FR and 6max.
    making adjustment, really make big difference.
    Today, i feel like playing the "Game" instead of "Gambling"
    I got my read back, i got my think processor back. so I got my skill back again.
    I guess my brain having hard time translating the 6max lines, therefore just

    I should buy your guys coffee
    i post some HH later.
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