Looking for a game in Mississauga

Hi everyone,

Anyone know of any games in Mississauga? I'm looking to play...



  • yeah, what do u play...and i'm not sure who u are so i can't tell u

  • I regularly play in Mississauga and surrounding areas, including a $120 tournament tomorrow starting between 12-2 PM.
  • I'm looking for NLHE tourneys or Limit HE or NL HE home games.
    Know of any in Mississauga?
    GTA Poker wrote: »
    yeah, what do u play...and i'm not sure who u are so i can't tell u

  • Are there still any Hold'em home games around in Mississauga? I'm interested in Hold'em tournaments as well.

    BlondeFish wrote: »
    I regularly play in Mississauga and surrounding areas, including a $120 tournament tomorrow starting between 12-2 PM.
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